Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Beginning of Human Flight

The Wright Brothers were interested in flying since their childhood. Bishop Wright, their father, gave them a toy helicopter when they were young and ever since they have been interested in aviation. The Wright Brothers are famous for their invention of the airplane, or the flying machine as it was called then. The first flight of the plane occurred on December 17, 1903. This was just the turn of the century, yet the Wright Brothers invented something that would last forever. This was in fact the case. This light would spark a race of technology that has taken us from into the air to flying into space. This also launched the aviation and the space age. The airplane is a major role in the world. The plane made traveling overseas easier and quicker. The plane was a useful tool in both of the World Wars. The airplane was a major part of the weapon and attacking strategy for all the countries with this technology. They say the Wright Brothers borrowed ideas of others in order to reach their goal. It doesn’t matter because they accomplished their desire to fly. Today aircraft are truly monsters compared to the Wright Flyer. The invention of the plane changed the world as we know it. It erased miles and brought people closer together, and uniting and diversifying the world as we know it. It went from novel toy for the daring to a tool of destruction. It brings life saving food, medical supplies, and clothing to those in need. It can carry us to any point on the globe and bring us back. The Wright Brothers had a dream and the made it happen. No matter how many times they were told no it wouldn’t work, they kept going and climbing to be he best and to fly. The research on the Wright Brothers was conducted mostly at Joyner Library. Also some of the information was obtained from the Internet. Joyner Library had most all the information on the Wright Brothers there is. Newspaper from the 1903 on microfilm were read to see the first hand accounts from that time. Books were read to get the second hand accounts. The picture from the Internet were very important on creating the exhibit. The exhibit was created by showing the things that evolved and the changes that occurred by the invention of the plane.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Police stress Essay

Introduction Stress is a psychological factor and a common feature of almost every kind of work. But it is important to note that it was only in the mid-70s that industrial psychologists focused their attention on the importance of stress in the workplace. â€Å"To serve and protect,† is the law enforcers’ motto as he works to accomplish the goals of his job which is primarily to provide protection to the citizens of his state. There accompanies with the work the kind of people whose shady and dark characters pursue the primary purposes in life which are to commit a crime and study ways to evade the long arm of the law. In policing work, stress is not underestimated but rather an important and critical aspect of the job (â€Å"it goes with the territory,† so to speak); stress comes in different forms. It is a given then, that police work is pictured as a form of service where the challenges are not the same as the regular kind of job; more so when the person is in active post or duty and expected to meet the most difficult types of experiences but usually on a regular basis. It is this scenario that this paper explores and presents to the reader the nuances of the job, the stresses a police officer regularly encounters, possible consequences on his personal and home life, as well as probable interventions. Significance of the study Two reasons are suggested why there was a growing recognition of the importance of stress on the job. First, there is the general awareness that stress-related diseases have reached epidemic proportions. More people die or are disabled today as a result of stress than at any other time. Because stress is so physically damaging and pervasive in people’s lives and because it is primarily psychological in nature the discipline of psychology as a whole and especially the specialty area of health psychology is interested in studying and treating stress and other psychosomatic disorders (Chang et al. 2006). The second reason for the growing awareness of the importance of stress at work is practical. The effects of stress on the job are costly and are reflected in a lower productive efficiency. Stress has been known to reduce drastically employee motivation and the physical ability to perform the task well thus, increasing absenteeism, turnover, and tardiness (Cahill 2003; Chang et al. 2006; Williams 2003). Statement of the Problem What is stress at work and how is this demonstrated in a particular individual worker like the police officer? What has personality trait or individual differences do with the development of stress as well as how do people cope with stress when the source is the place of work? This paper attempts to define, describe and explain the nature of stress, factors that contribute to the development of stress in an individual, and in particular what job stress or stress in the workplace can do to an individual. Discussion ~ The Nature of Stress Inside the body, dramatic physiological changes take place under stress. Adrenalin, released from the adrenal glands, speeds up all bodily functions. Blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, and extra sugar is released to the bloodstream. The increased circulation of the blood brings additional energy to the brain and muscles, making us more alert and stronger sp that we can cope with the sudden emergency (Landy 1985). A stressful situation mobilizes and directs one’s energy beyond its normal level. But if a person remains in that state of supercharged energy for too long, the body’s reservoir of energy will dissipate. Rest is needed to replenish the energy supply (Williams 2003). Prolonged stress leads to psychosomatic disorders. Remember that psychosomatic diseases are not imaginary. They are real and involve specific tissue and organ damage even though their cause is psychological. In prolonged stress, the body may suffer physiological damage and the person may become ill (Landy 1985). A. Individual Differences in Vulnerability to Stress One factor that affects vulnerability to stress on the job is social support, one’s network of social and family ties. The person who is alone physically and psychologically is more vulnerable to stress than someone who has strong social relationships. Social support on the job is also important to reduce stress and to have better health (Cahill 2003; Chang et al., 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). One’s physical condition also relates to one’s vulnerability to stress effects. Persons in better physical condition suffer fewer effects of stress than those in poor physical condition (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Level of ability to perform a job can make people more or less resistant to the stresses of that job. Employees with a high level of the skills needed for the job finds the work easier and less stressful than employees with a lower ability (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Personality seems to be related to one’s ability to tolerate stress. This is particularly apparent with those of apparent with those of Type A and Type B personalities and their susceptibility to heart disease, one of the major effects of stress (Landy 1985). The Type A personality is highly prone to heart disease by middle age, independent of physical factors or their type of work. The two primary characteristics of a Type A personality are a very high competitive drive and a constant sense of urgency about time. Type A personalities are hostile people although they successfully hide it from others. That is why Type A personalities are always in a state if tension and stress (Landy 1985; Williams, 2003). Persons with the Type B personality never have heart attacks before the age of 70, regardless of their jobs or their eating and smoking habits. Type B people may be just as ambitious as Type A people, but they have none of their characteristics. They function under far less stress in all aspects of life including work (Landy 1985). B. Stress at work There are occupations that are considered very stressful. The following twelve are those that engender highest levels of stress: law enforcer, labourer, secretary, inspector, clinical lab technician, office manager, first-line supervisor, manager or administrator, waiter or waitress, machine operator, farm worker, miner, painter. This is taken from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Other occupations considered to be in high stress are the fire fighters, computer programmer, dental assistant, electrician, fire fighter, social worker, telephone operator, and hairdresser (Landy 1985). Survey is also found that among working women, the most stressful jobs are in the health care industry. For example, nurses, medical, dental, and lab technicians and social workers (Cahill 2001). Psychologists renamed the concept of overwork into the term overload and have identified two types: 1. Quantitative overload 2. Qualitative overload Quantitative overload is the condition of having too much work to do in the time available. Qualitative overload involves not so much work to do but work that is too difficult (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Another stress factor in the workplace is change. Many changes occur in the workplace. The introduction of a new work procedure may require employees to learn and adapt to different production methods (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Performance appraisal is a source of stress for a great many people. Few people like the idea of being evaluated whether at school or work. An employee’s role in the organization can be a source of stress. Role ambiguity arises when the employees’ work role is poorly structured and ill-defined. Role conflict arises when there is a disparity among the demands of a job and the employees, personal standard and values (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Problems of career development may lead to stress at work. Stress can arise when an employee fails to receive an anticipated promotion (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Being responsible for other people is a major source of difficulty for some supervisors and managers (Landy 985).   Contact with a stress carrier is also a cause of stress. A person free of stress can be infected by someone who is highly stressed (Landy 1985). Assembly-line work has been associated with stress because it is characterized by repetition and monotony (Landy 1985). Overall, then, each person must confront and deal with a large and recurring number of stress-producing events everyday both at home and at work. Although most people experience at least some of the harmful effects of stress at one time or another, most people, fortunately, do manage to cope (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). One effect of stress on the job resulting from overwork is called burnout. The employee becomes less energetic and less interested in the job. He or she becomes emotionally exhausted, apathetic, depressed, irritable, and bored; finds fault with everything about the work (Cahill 2003; Chang et al, 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Figure 1.0 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Model of Job Stress (Source: NIOSH, Burnout develops in three distinct stages: 1. Emotional exhaustion, with a feeling of being drained and empty (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 2. Cynicism and the lack of sensitivity toward others (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 3. Futility, the feeling that all the effort put forth previously was wasted and worthless (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Employees with burnout become rigid about their work, following rules and procedures blindly and compulsively because they are too exhausted to be flexible or consider alternative solutions to a problem (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). There is a price to pay for such overwork over a long period of time. Stress accumulates and leads to the psychological and physiological ailments described earlier. These people work so hard that they burn away their energy faster than the body can replace it. Such persons have been described as workaholics, or employees addicted to work (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Nature and Dangers of Police Work Studies done by Malloy and Mays (p 177 1984) point to the importance of understanding the kind of job that policing involves. The authors not only examined the stress levels within the workplace but a comparative study was made as well with the amount of stress experienced by law enforcement officers and other workers in other organizations or institutions particularly in government entities. The findings show that few jobs can equal the kind of stress that police work entails; fire fighters may come close though the frequency of negative or distressful events or occurrences become a regular fare for law enforcers contributing to the overall danger and threat to their personal well-being. Reports of suicide or attempted suicide have reportedly been high despite increasing awareness to the stresses of the job (Brown 2008). Symptoms may be there already but the few people close to the person refuse to recognize or identify the signs. These include irritability, lowered sex drive, digestive upsets, fatigue, muscle aches like backaches, insomnia or restlessness, overeating or drinking too much, muscle tics or rashes, a pounding heart, headaches and light-headedness may be evident on the individual. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or mental health issues can be some of the effects when prolonged stress is experienced and may even affect the immune system’s ability to protect the person’s body from everyday illnesses. Because an officer regularly deals with stress and anguish experienced by people they meet on the job, emotions can easily be bottled up, or set aside and compromise one’s health or in many instances, affect the officer’s ability to deal with the issues and problems in his own personal and family life.   Studies self-management skills program for the police officers show that there is a great difference when police officers go through programs that help them understand the emotional upheavals that go with the job. There was the reduction of signs and symptoms of imminent distress or physical and psychological manifestations of stress (McCraty et al 1999). Other techniques specifically used in other studies make use of films as tools to help debrief these individuals (Mann 1973 p 63). C. Interventions and organizational techniques The techniques for dealing with stress on the job involved both the prevention of stress and its reduction and elimination. Techniques that individual employees can practice on and off the job include relaxation training, biofeedback, and behavior modification. Some methods provided by organization include altering the organizational climate, providing employee assistance programs and treating victims of stress-related illnesses (Cahill, 2003; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). Industrial/organizational psychologists have proposed several organizational techniques for managing stress at work especially with police work: 1. Emotional Climate Control. Because of the stressors of modern organizational life is change, the organization must provide sufficient support to enable employees to adapt to change. This can be accomplished by providing a climate of esteem and regard for employees and by allowing them to participate in all decisions involving change in their work and in the structure of the organization (Chang et al. 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 2. Provision of social support. Social support can reduce one’s vulnerability to stress. Organizations can enhance social support by facilitating the cohesiveness of work groups and by training the supervisors to be supportive of their subordinates (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 3. Redefinition of employee roles. To reduce the stress caused by role ambiguity, managers must clearly state to their subordinates what is expected of them and what the precise scope and responsibilities of their jobs are (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 4. Elimination of work overload and work underload. Proper selection and training, equitable promotion decisions and fair distribution of work can do much to eliminate these causes of stress. 5. Provision of assistance to stressed employees. More and more organizations today are recognizing the harmful effects that stress can have on employee health and productivity. As a result, they are providing in-house counseling programs that teach individual stress-control techniques and supplying facilities for physical exercise (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Some stress is necessary for normal functioning. The nervous system apparently needs a certain amount of stimulation to function properly. But stress that is too intense or prolonged can have destructive physiological and psychological effects. The actions of autonomic nervous system that prepare the organism for emergency can, if prolonged lead to such physical disorders as ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Severe stress can also impair the organisms’ immune responses, decreasing its ability to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. It is estimated that more than half of all medical problems are believed to be related to emotional stress. Psychosomatic disorders such as allergies, migraine, headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers and even acne are among the illnesses that are related to emotional stress (Hilgard, et al., 1983). Conclusion Frustrations occur when progress toward a goal is blocked or delayed and when two motives conflict, satisfaction of one leads to the blocking of the other. For as long as a human individual is alive and functioning in whatever milieu he is in, these forces are at work, often straining and draining him. Coping and defense strategies oftentimes become indispensable but later become debilitating for most if no longer controlled and regulated. The severity of stress depends on the situation’s predictability, the potential for control, the individual’s cognitive evaluation, his feelings of competency, and the presence of social supports (Halonen and Santrock, 1996). Works Cited: Atkinson, R.L., R.C. Atkinson, E.E. Smith, D.J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema, Introduction to Psychology, 13th ed. (1993). New York: Harcourt College Publishers. Brown, Hal. Introduction to Police Stress. Accessed February 27, 2008 Cahill, C. A. 2001. Women and stress. In Annual Review of Nursing Research, 19, 229-249. Chang, E. M., Daly, J., Hancock, K.M., Bidewell, J. W., Johnson, A., Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E. 2006. The Relationships Among Workplace Stressors, Coping Methods, Demographic Characteristics, and Health in Australian Nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(1), 30-38. Landy, F.J. 1985. Psychology of Work Behavior. 3rd Ed. Dorsey Press. Malloy, Thomas E., G. Larry Mays. â€Å"The Police Stress Hypothesis: A critical evaluation. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 11 (1984): 197-224. Sauter, Steven, et al., â€Å"Stress at Work† NIOSH publication. Retrieved December 20, 2007 Williams, C. 2003. Stress at Work. Canadian Social Trends, Autumn, 7-13. Halonen, J.S. and J.W. Santrock. 1996. Psychology: Contexts of behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p.810. Hilgard, ER, RR Atkinson, and RC Atkinson, 1983. Introduction to Psychology. 7th ed., New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc. Mann, Philip A. â€Å"Stress Training.† In Psychological Consultation with a Police Department: A Demonstration of Cooperative Training in Mental Health, by Philip Mann, 62-64. Springfield Illinois; Charles C, Tomas, (1973). McCraty, Rollin, Dana Tomasino, Mike Atkinson, Joseph Sundram. â€Å"Impact of the HeartMath Self-Management Skills Program on Physiological and Psychological Stress in Police Officers.† Institute of HeartMath, Publication No. 99-075. Boulder Creek, CA. (1999). Morris, Charles G. & Albert Maisto, 1999. Understanding Psychology. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc. P. 73.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Bhopal Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Bhopal Disaster - Essay Example (e) The MIC tank was filled beyond capacity, so much that the overflow tank was also full. (f) The malfunctioning blow down value of the MIC tank was malfunctioning because it was in an open position. Consequences of the disaster: As stated earlier, there were 3800 plus deaths and more than 200,000 injured. Apart from the loss of human life, crops, animals and marine life were destroyed. Many of the women developed diseases such as gonorrhoea and pelvic inflammation, excessive menstruation and suppressed lactation. There was a high incidence of still births and among the babies who where born, there was a high rate of babies born with deformities. Many foetuses suffered from respiratory ailments and complications, which also afflicted the mothers. Other symptoms which were produced included impaired audio and visual memory, neuroses and anxiety reactions. Reliability Block Diagram: The reliability of any system is derived in terms of the reliabilities of the individual components of the system. The advantages of using reliability block diagrams are as follows: (a) Integrating the probability of faults occurring into modules (b) Including within each module, the probability of failure, the failure rate, the distribution of time to failure, the steady state and instantaneous availability (c) The ability to organize each module in a structured way, dependent upon the effects of each module’s failure The reliability block diagram can be used to assess probability for failure for the Bhopal disaster as well. The major cause of the failure was the faulty valve which allowed water to pass into the MIC tank. This major fault was only... There were 3800 plus deaths and more than 200,000 injured. Apart from the loss of human life, crops, animals, and marine life were destroyed. Many of the women developed diseases such as gonorrhea and pelvic inflammation, excessive menstruation and suppressed lactation. There was a high incidence of stillbirths and among the babies who were born, there was a high rate of babies born with deformities. Many fetuses suffered from respiratory ailments and complications, which also afflicted the mothers. Other symptoms which were produced included impaired audio and visual memory, neuroses and anxiety reactions. The reliability of any system is derived in terms of the reliabilities of the individual components of the system. The advantages of using reliability block diagrams are as follows: Integrating the probability of faults occurring into modules Including within each module, the probability of failure, the failure rate, the distribution of time to failure, the steady state, and instantaneous availability The ability to organize each module in a structured way, dependent upon the effects of each module’s failure The reliability block diagram can be used to assess the probability of failure for the Bhopal disaster as well. The major cause of the failure was the faulty valve which allowed water to pass into the MIC tank. This major fault was only exacerbated by other related factors, such as switched off air-conditioning, and malfunctioning pressure and temperature gauges, which prevented the fault condition being detected on time.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Teaching Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teaching Project - Assignment Example In terms of the appropriate level since the objective of in teaching endotracheal tube nursing care is for the students to provide safe patient care in using endotracheal tubes, it would seem more appropriate that teaching would not only focus on theories but also on hands-on learning. Since the group is composed of students who will experience this material for the first time, a concise and practical way of presenting the material would prove to be easier to absorb. Practical in the sense that the material would be presented in terms of its importance in real-life practice of the nursing profession as far as this area of patient care is concerned. After having learned the theories relating to endotracheal tube nursing care, students should apply the information they have learned in class through situational exercises in the classroom, which would somehow assess how much they've learned and their ability to demonstrate this knowledge in real life situations. Based on the stated objective which is "Students will be able to perform endotracheal tube nursing care," such an objective if assessed using Bloom's taxonomy, the level of objectives that was set for teaching the students is more on performance. Although the content of the teaching plan includes "knowing" the purpose of the procedure, equipments needed, preparation, post procedure, outcome, and documentation, the bottom line is on whether or not the student would be able to perform the said procedure after all this intellectual input. Therefore, the objectives are in the level of psychomotor, as students would be evaluated if whether or not they would be able to perform endotracheal tube nursing care and consequently provide safe patient care. Teaching Method The teaching method that would best meet the group's need would be through equipment demonstration, lecture and the use of relevant CD-ROMS. These methods are seen to be essential in learning and understanding as well as applying knowledge into real life practice. Demonstrating the equipment used will not only give the students of what kind of equipments are involved, but they will also know what it is called, its function and how they would use it. The lecture provides theories and other important information on the matter as well as an opportunity for the students to equip themselves with the knowledge needed to be able to perform a particular task. The use of CD-ROMS would also help in reinforcing the information given during the lecture. It can also serve as a window of opportunity to illustrate and show students the picture behind the words they heard during the lecture. The method of teaching used can be categorized as direct teaching, because it is the teacher who mostly does all the work as will be manifested in equipment demonstration, lecture and CD-ROM. As such, direct teaching needs to be prepared and organized in advance and this includes teacher's having information about their students' prerequisites for the lesson. The advantages of this method of teaching are: there is a specific target for learning, students are given reasons on why the content is important and thus helps to clarify the lesson's objectives. It makes measuring of student's input relatively easy, it is a widely accepted and used

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pratt Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pratt Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example In addition, it analyses the letter that Guaman Poma wrote to King Philip III. The letter to King Philip III had two parts. The chronicles part of the letter, which the speaker refers to as the ethnography texts, refers to how people describe themselves to representations that people have made of them (Pratt 486). They are contrary to the auto ethnography texts that others construct in response to those texts. These texts merged with indigenous idioms and they often aimed at addressing metropolitan audience as well as the speaker’s own community (Pratt 487). The second half of the letter talks of good governance and justice. At the time, Guzman wrote the letter, there was exploitation of workers insane and the decrease of the labor force hence the encouragement of the system’s reforms. Guaman praises Christians, people with good habits as well as just men. Guaman wrote his text in an empire that was bureaucracy and had no established system of writing (Pratt 491). He manages to write by appropriating and adapting pieces of representational contex t That contact zones were places where the two different communities with different cultures met and interaction took place in a variety of ways. The two communities also carried out trade amongst each other and while the Andreas had gold silver, the Spaniards only had armor and guns. The speaker further says that miss comprehension, misread masterpieces, and incomprehension were some go the perils of writing in the contact zones of the Andres in the 1960s. These perils are still evident in the Trans nationalized United States (Pratt 493). Generally, the speaker talks about writing and literacy in contact zones. Contact zones in the essay refer to a place where different cultures meet and clash in contexts of relations of power such as colonialism, slavery or their aftermath (Pratt 486). The speaker

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example The purpose was even to make the White American population feel guilty of their atrocious behavior towards the African American population in order to gain sympathy and motivate them to give equal rights to African Americans. He quite effectively used the persuasion techniques of emotional appeal and credibility to persuade his audience. The speech that was authored and presented by Douglas was quite persuasive for the African American population as well as the White American population because he was a credible actor who really knew the pressing issues faced by the African Americans. He is well qualified to deliver the speech and persuade the audience because he had himself experienced the atrocities that he experienced at the hands of the White Americans. He had experienced the misery of being a slave and was even one of the numerous leaders who led the Abolitionist Movements from the front. His experience provides him the mandate of being a credible speaker and author of the speech in the eyes of the audience. Furthermore his repeated citing of bible and the context in which he was citing the bible portrays him as a person who is knowledgeable. Douglas continued to persuade the audience by appealing to the emotions of the African Americans who were still experiencing atrocities at the hands of the majority of the population of America. He uses various words and phrases to attract the emotions of his audience. For example, he uses the phrases such as â€Å"mournful wail of millions† in order to appeal to the audience’s emotions of sorrow as well as their emotion of begging to be helped (Douglass 1). Furthermore he uses the phrase â€Å"bleeding children† to appeal to the white audience to sympathies with the African Americans who were still suffering and were being treated as slaves (Douglass 1). His aim of using these terms to make the White population feel the pain that is being suffered by the African Americans and to

HR Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

HR - Assignment Example Effective change management is the driving force behind any successful organization. In an organization that staff always resist any proposed change, the ultimate results are backwardness and a stagnant organization that cannot undertake any innovative product development (Creasey & Hiatt, 2003). Such firms cannot stand fiercely competitive environment and the collapse are an obvious outcome. As a result, the event will take the staff through the outstanding benefits of accepting change within the organization. An organization that can influence its staff to accept and harmoniously implement change will remain relevant amidst the competition levels within an industry. In addition, the workforce benefits greatly as sale volume rises beside attracting and retaining more customers. Such workforce can thus get better remuneration packages thus increased living standards. A motivated worker gives his all in the organization leading to ever rising firm’s productivity that increasingly facilitates better wage and other motivational packages to workers. Thus, staff must embrace a readiness to change

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Global GDP, Death Rate, and Life Expectancy Research Paper

Global GDP, Death Rate, and Life Expectancy - Research Paper Example First, as per capita GDP increases, the life expectancy also increases for that country. Second, as per capita GDP increases the death rate would decrease for that country. The data was gathered from the US Central Intelligence Agency Factbook available online. Information was gathered from 220 countries that listed their per capita GDP, death rate, and life expectancy. Every attempt was made to use the most current data available, and all of the data was from 2007-2008. No data used was older than the data from 2007. The per capita GDP was the 2007 rate, and the death rate and life expectancy were based on 2008 estimates. From this list of 220 countries, a group of 30 countries were selected for analyzing by the following method: The countries were sorted in ascending order according to the per capita GDP. The highest and the lowest countries were eliminated. The countries were selected by choosing every seventh country from the list, resulting in a final list of 30 countries. Standard deviation was calculated using the n-1 method using the Excel spreadsheet. The per capita GDP had a high of $79,400 in Luxembourg and a low of $300 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for a range of $79,100. The mean per capita GDP was $7600, with a standard deviation of $17,635. Though the United States was not on the list used for evaluation, it is included as a reference point at $45,800. The Death Rate The Death Rate is measured in deaths per 1000 population. It ranged from a low of 3.53 in the Gaza Strip to a high of 22.33 in Lesotho for a range of 18.8. The median death rate was 7.49, and a standard deviation of 4.11. The median death rate is marginally less than the US's 8.27. Life expectancy is listed in years and ranged from a low of 40.17 years in Lesotho to a high of 79.36 years in Austria. The life expectancy range was 39.19 years and a median life expectancy of 73 years with a standard deviation of 9.91 years. The global median life expectancy is below the US's life expectancy of 78.14 years. Tables 1, 2, and 3 are the comprehensive lists of the data used for this research that has been ordered by per capita GDP, death rate, and life expectancy. The Data: Initial Examination For an initial examination of the data, it is helpful to view the information on a histogram. This gives a visual indication of the range of the data as well as the distribution across the range. Figures 1, 2, and 3 are the histograms that represent the per capita GDP, death rate, and life expectancy respectfully. Table 1: Data sorted by per capita GDP Country Per Capita GDP Rank Per Cap GDP Death Rate per 1000 pop Rank Death Rate Life Expect Life Exp Rank Luxembourg $79,400 1 8.43 18 79.18 3 Ireland $46,600 2 7.77 15 78.07 5 Austria $39,300 3 9.91 21 79.36 1 Germany $34,100 4 10.8 24 79.1 4 Faroe Islands $31,000 5 8.67 19 79.29 2 Bahamas, The $28,000 6 9.22 20 65.72 24 Czech Republic $24,500 7 10.69 23 76.62 8 Oman $19,000 8 3.68 3 73.91 12 Latvia $17,700 9 13.63 28 71.88 18 Poland $16,200 10 9.99 22 75.41 10 Botswana $14,300 11 14.02 29 50.16 29 Mexico $12,400 12 4.78 7 75.84 9 Cuba $11,000 13 7.19 14 77.27 6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $9,800 14 5.96 10 74.34 11 Thailand $8,000 15 7.17 13 72.83 17 Ecuador $7,200 16 4.21 6 76.81 7 American Samoa $5,800 17 4.13 5 73.47 14 Tonga $5,100 18 5.12 8 70.44 20 Maldives $4,600

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contract law - Essay Example The advertisement which Kelly has placed in the local newspaper is an offer that has been made to the world at large, such as for example in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.3 A mere offer will only constitute a unilateral contract, which will also be deemed valid only if some party proffers an unconditional acceptance of the terms of the offer.4 John has seen the advertisement in the paper and has posted his acceptance to Kelly. However as McKendrick states, for a contract to be valid, â€Å"there must be a definite offer mirrored by a definite acceptance.†5 An acceptance will be said to occur when the offeree’s words or conduct can give rise to an objective reference that he/she has assented to the terms offered.6 On this basis, Kelly’s advertisement in the paper constitutes a definite offer and John’s reply constitutes an acceptance of the terms of the offer. In the case of Gibson v Manchester City Council, it was held that the acceptance of the offer must also be communicated before it can be valid on a contractual basis.7 According to Lord Denning no contract will come into existence unless and until the acceptance has been communicated to the offerer8. Therefore, if a contract is to exist between Kelly and John, then Kelly should have received John’s acceptance of her original offer, without any changes in its terms. John has indeed accepted the offer as per its original terms and since John’s acceptance of the offer has been sent by post then it will be held to be a valid acceptance as soon as he posted his letter.9 In fact, the courts have held that where a postal; acceptance is concerned, it will hold good even in those instances where the letter is delayed or lost in the post so that it never reaches the offerer.10 However, an offer cannot be accepted by the offeree unless and until the offer is communicated to him/her and silence cannot be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case Study Based On Arab Culture Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Based On Arab Culture - Case Study Example Nasser into accepting the vaginal examination for Samia. Negotiation, according to Schim and Doorenbos (2011, p. 1), is a suitable approach in cases where cultural appreciation and cultural accommodation alone cannot permit care objectives. An understanding of cultural orientations that establish a barrier is necessary, a factor that is consistent with the fourth standard of the Expert Panel on Global Nursing & Health (2010, p. 7). With background knowledge of reasons for the barrier to vaginal examination, the nurse can engage Mrs. Nasser, focus her attention on the issue, and help her understand that the examination will not compromise the girl’s virginity and that the girl’s health, which could extend to her reproductive health, is far more important than the value of virginity. This would allow for consent and preventive care that Mrs. Nasser, as an Arab, values (Purnell, 2014, p. 172).   Accommodation and negotiation are the suitable culturally congruent strategi es that may be effective in addressing Mrs. Nasser’s needs. Accommodation involves accepting a client’s need because the performance of the need is possible and the need offers no harm. In the case, Mrs. Nasser’s concern is a direct examination of her daughter’s genitals and if an alternative test criterion exists, such as analysis of urine or blood sample, then the nurse should accommodate the client’s demand and use the alternative measures. Negotiation would, however, be suitable if alternative tests are either ineffective or not applicable to the case. It would then require a tactical approach, which demonstrates cultural competence, to convince Mrs. Nasser against her position. The understanding value on virginity as the barrier, convincing Mrs. Nasser that the virginity would not be compromised or convincing her that the traditional value for virginity is not as important as the real value for the girl’s reproductive health would help.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper Essay Example for Free

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper Essay The principle of the Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history. The oath states: I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art. I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft. Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves. Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private. So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate. (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014) Medical Board of California The Medical Board of California is the agency responsible for regulating physicians, surgeons and other allied health professions. The members of the board are appointed by the Governor of the state and have a four year term legislature. It is the responsibility of the members of the board to meet as one deliberating body. In addition, the board members are required to learn about policies and statutes of both licensing and enforcement functions. California Licensure Physician Statute There is no single physician licensure statute in the state of California. Instead, physician licensure rules have been interspersed within the California code. Physicians wishing to practice medicine in California are required to obtain a full medical license issued by the state. Furthermore, there are no administrative regulations or state statue for granting a  special or limited license to practice in the state remotely via telemedicine. The California licensure does not allow for license reciprocity between any states but allows physicians for consultative services without having to receive a full medical licensure. Moreover, licensed physicians in the military in any of the states, either a military physician officer or a civilian contract employee, are allowed to care for fellow military members without having to receive additional licensure. In the event of an emergency situation, a physician is allowed to administer care regardless if the physician is licensed in that part icular state. A physical examination is required by the California Medical Board Licensure to allow administration or prescription of medication over the internet. Investigative Role The investigative team consists of physicians that are a critical component to the board as they base its disciplinary actions on the opinions of physicians and not board staff. Physicians play a distinct role in the investigations. The board receives and reviews incoming complaints in the Central Complaint Unit (CCU). The physicians determine if there is a need for formal investigation by board investigative staff or if the complaint is largely resolved by a preliminary review of the medical records and the accompanying physician narrative statement. Medical experts are asked to review case materials and must clearly articulate whether the physicians care under review fell below the standard. They must give their opinion if there is a potential violation of the Medical Practice Act. Business and Professions Code Section 2050-2079 According to the Federation of State Medical Boards, the 10th Amendment police power grants states the right to regulate the practice of medicine. Section 2052 of the Business and Professions Code states that any person who practices or attempts to practice, or who advertises or holds himself or herself out as practicing, any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted in this state, or who diagnoses, treats, operates for, or prescribes for any ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other physical or mental condition of any person, without having at the time of so doing a valid, unrevoked, or unsuspended  certificate as provided in this chapter or without being authorized to perform the act pursuant to a certificate obtained in accordance with some other provision of law is guilty of a public offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision of Section 1170 of the Penal Code, b y imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and either imprisonment (California Business and Professions Code, 2014). Civil Complaint Process The two major categories of incoming complaints to the Medical Care Board of California by the consumers are quality of care and personal conduct. All complaints require physician review and all complaints which are not closed by CCU staff are referred to one of the boards district offices for formal investigation. According to the Medical Board, each district office is staffed with a supervising investigator, five investigators, a deputy attorney general, an investigator assistant, clerical support staff and one or more medical consultants (The Medical Board of California, 2014). Risk Management Quality Assurance It is important that physicians are credentialed and are given privileges in any health care organization prior to practicing medicine. Physicians must receive training and education in risk management and review of federal and state regulations mandates. A successful risk management strategy is to improve the quality of patient care and reduce the probability of an adverse outcome or a medical malpractice claim. Its objective is to reduce the risk to patients and liability to the physician. Furthermore, the foundation for risk management is the standard of care. Tracking the quality of care of physicians must include Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluations (OPPE) and a peer review committee within an organization. Criminal Prosecution for Malpractice Physicians are in a unique position in regard to the law by the nature of their work. A physician may face a charge of criminal negligence, manslaughter, or second-degree murder if a patient in his care suffers severe or lethal injuries. â€Å"Negligence law offers plaintiffs the legal framework upon which to build their civil suit. A plaintiff in a medical  malpractice action must satisfy four elements-duty, breach, causation and damage- in order to prevail. In a negligence case, the wrongdoers actions are compared to what would be expected of a reasonable and prudent person in the same or similar circumstance† (Monico, Kulkarni, Calise, 2013). The practice of medicine is full of uncertainties. In some cases, bad outcome is the result of physician negligence. The patient and/or his family may institute a civil suit for malpractice if they believe that the bad outcome was a result of the physician’s actions. It is very rare that a prosecutor decides the facts of a ca se warrant a charge of criminal malpractice. The prosecutors must see a repetitive negligent behavior that constitutes to a pattern that can be documented before criminal charges can be filed. Conclusion The medical profession has many dedicated people who give themselves and sacrifices for the sake of saving lives. Physicians practice their profession according to the Hippocratic Oath. Furthermore, the have learned the rules and regulations mandated by the Federal and State government in health care delivery. Quality of health care is an important objective of CMS. Physicians are required to adhere to the standards of quality care and the delivery of it. When physicians get in trouble with the law, they have to face various criminal and civil charges based on the severity of their case. In the current trend, doctors commit white-collar crimes when they take kickbacks, order questionable procedures, overbill patients and insurance companies, and bill for services they did not provide. The Medical Board of California ensures safety and protection of health care consumers through proper licensing and regulation of physicians by means of various objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act. References California Business and Professions Code. (2014). Business and Professions Code Section 2050-2079. Retrieved from Medical Board of California. (2013). Guide to the Laws Governing the Practice of Medicine by Physicians and Surgeons. Retrieved from Monico, E., Kulkarni, R., Calise, A. (2013). The Criminal Prosecution of Medical Negligence. Retrieved from The Medical Board of California. (2014). Laws and Regulations. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2014). The Hippocratic Oath. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Evaluation of Globalisation from Two Perspectives

An Evaluation of Globalisation from Two Perspectives Evaluation of Globalisation from Two Perspectives. As an Emotive Force, in Being Beneficial and a Key to  Future World Economic Development as well as  Being Inevitable and Irreversible. And as a Force that Increases Inequality Within and  Between Nations, Threatens Employment and  Living Standards and Thwarts Social Progress Introduction Globalisation as a word is that utilized in differing contexts within the public lexicon. It is one of â€Å"†¦ the most widely used- and misused – keyword †¦ in recent years, as well as being â€Å", one of the most rarely defined, the most nebulous and misunderstood, as well as the most politically effective †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Beck and Camiller, 2000, p. 19). We tend to think of globalisation is as a modern term, first defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary in 1944 (University of Pennsylvania, 2005) its historical roots in terms of it being a part of human history can be traced back â€Å"†¦ at least 5,000 years† (Wallerstein et al, 1980, p. 15). Said beginnings, â€Å"†¦ In the fifteenth and early sixteenth century †¦Ã¢â‚¬  is when the â€Å"†¦ European world-economy †¦Ã¢â‚¬  came into existence as â€Å"†¦ a kind of social system the world †¦(had) †¦ really known before and which is the distinctive feature of the modern world-system† (Wallerstein et al, 1980, p. 15). The underpinnings of why Wallerstein et al (1980, p. 15) take this view is that is represented an economic rather than political entity that differed from the â€Å"†¦ empires, city-states and nation-states †¦Ã¢â‚¬  that preceded it. Eisnstadt (1968, P. 41) helps to clarify the preceding by defining empire as a term utilized â€Å"†¦ to designate a political system encompassing wide, relatively high centralized territories †¦Ã¢â‚¬  which consisted of an emperor and â€Å"†¦ central political institutions †¦Ã¢â‚¬  And while empires were a primitive means by which economic domination was conducted, they laid the foundations for globalization through economic flows as represented by trade (Eisenstadt, 1961, pp. 82-107). The preceding has been utilized as an historical guide to the roots of globalisation, which is generally credited as being the individual credited with using it in an economic sense (Tedlow and Abdelal, 2005). Levitt’s definition of globalisation is based upon its applicability to corporations and products and what he termed as ‘homogenized demand’ (Tedlow and Abdelal, 2005). That view, while revolutionary at the time, in hindsight is a narrow conception of the broader concept that we understand globalisation to be in today’s terms. Shariff (2003, pp. 163-178) states that globalisation is the global process representing the homogenising of prices, wages, products, interest rates and profits that relies upon three forces, 1. human migration, 2. international trade, and 3. the swift movement of capital along with the integration of financial markets. Bhaqwati (2005, p. 3) advises that globalisation â€Å"†¦ can mean many things†. He focuses on glo balisation as being economic, constituting the â€Å"†¦ integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investment (by corporations and multinationals), short term capital flows, international flows of workers and †¦. flows of technology †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bhaqwati, 2005, p. 3). The World Bank, which agrees with Beck and Camiller (2000, p. 19) and states that there is no precise and universally agreed upon definition and, adds that over time it, globalisation, has come to encompass â€Å"†¦ cultural, political and other connotations in addition to the economic† (PREM Economic Policy Group and Development Economics Group, 2005). Their explanation of globalisation tends to focus on the economic side of the ledger, but adds that it, globalisation, is not uniform stating that in the poorer lesser developed countries it is more a case of being excluded from it rather than being impoverished by it (PREM Economic Policy Group and Development Economics Group, 2005). Hirst and Thompson (2001. p. 3) agree with the fact that there are broadly differing contexts attached to globalisation and that in today’s terms it largely means placing economic aspects in the forefront, keeping in mind the cultural, political, and social variables that are intertwin ed. The International Monetary Fund (2000) combines pieces of definitions from the preceding in stating that globalisation represents â€Å"†¦ a historical process †¦Ã¢â‚¬  which is attributable to â€Å"†¦ human innovation and technological progress†, and â€Å"†¦ refers to the increasing integration of economies †¦Ã¢â‚¬  on a global basis â€Å"†¦ particularly through trade and financial flows†. Stiglitz (2003, p. 4) asks the question as to â€Å"Why has globalization – a force that has brought so much good – become so controversial?† Bhaqwati (2005, p. 4) also asks this question as to â€Å"Why are the critics of globalization so agitated?† Hist and Thompson (2001. p. 2) also are quizzical as to this phenomenon. What is it about globalisation that has proponents lined up on one side, and antagonists on the other? This examination shall seek to equate both sides of this highly charged arena, looking at the views that see globalisation as an emotive force, where some see it as a process that is beneficial, representing a key to future global economic development that is not only inevitable, but irreversible as well. And on the other side of the fence there are those that view globalisation with hostility, and believe that is increases inequality between nations as well as within them, threatens employment along with living standards and thwarts soc ial progress. According to Giddens (2006), we are in the second phase of the debate on globalisation. His perspective is that there were discussions regarding the phase and attempting to determine what is was and is while it was unfolding. Giddens (2006) views us as being in the second phase of the debate as globalisation is firmly entrenched in economics, politics, cultural and social areas, as we again attempt to determine what it is, along with its consequences and how it can be properly accommodated. Whether one subscribes to this view is a matter of opinion, but the point is there is a debate on globalisation with one side seeing it as representing benefits to society, and the other as promoting inequalities and other negative connotations. Or, is that actually the case? Could it be that it is parts of globalisation that opponents are against? Could it be that the problem with globalisation is its inequality in that there are the nations gaining from it and distancing themselves from those la gging or being left behind? The questions are almost endless. In seeking to reach a determination, this examination will look at both side of the globalisation issue, offering those facets for and those against it. Ohmae (Ray, 2005) sees globalisation as the liberalisation of individuals, consumers, business corporations as well as regions from the confines of the nation state. He sees the world as representing a global village â€Å"†¦ because wealth will migrate across national borders†. He sees, in commercial terms, as well as in consumer terms that the world is â€Å"†¦ an increasingly borderless economy, a true global marketplace† with political influences seeking to control the process (Ohmae, 1996, p. 8). Yip (1989, p. 29) sees the process of globalisation as a ‘must’ facet that major business corporations have to participate in as a result of almost all products having foreign competitors. This preceding view not only means that a company needs to look at this from its own domestic market and staving off competition, but also from the viewpoint of growth and profits as there are customers to be won in foreign markets as well (Yip, 1989, p. 29). Yip’s corporate focus on globalisation looks at falling trade barriers as governments and regions understand the importance of opening their markets to enable them to enter others in a quid pro quo. The corporate process of globalisation results in increased competition, jobs, better products, innovation and lower prices as the lines between products, goods and services have become increasingly transparent, with consumers as the beneficiaries in the process. The opening up of markets, and the loosening of trade restrictions and borders is a positive contribution of globalisation as it makes the new battlefield one of profits, markets and expansion as opposed to conquest, war and destruction (Held et al, 1999. pp. 32-35). Globalisation’s main engine has been a result of economics, it is money that has underpinned the flow of products, printed materials, the Internet, documentaries and other informational exchanges, along with products, goods and services. The elements of increased trade have brought the need to stabilize currencies in order to permit the corporations within countries to effectively compete on the global stage and is an important underpinning resulting in the formation of the euro in the European Union. The foregoing has brought about a â€Å"†¦ high degree of economic interdependence among today’s economies †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and the preceding reflects â€Å"†¦ the historical evolution of the world’s economic and political order† (Carbaugh, 2006, p. 3). Evidence of the equalization process of globalisation can be found in the example of the United States which was the most dominate economic and political nation after the end of World War II (Carbaugh, 2006, p. 3). This has been referred to as neocolonialism, which represents Imperial powers controlling other societies through economic means on the international stage, which resurfaced after WW II, having similarities to the colonialism periods of the sixteenth through twentieth centuries (Selfa, 2002). The foregoing is driven by economic means as capitalism represents â€Å"†¦ an economic mode †¦ that †¦ operate within an arena larger than †¦ any political entity can totally control †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wallerstein, 1976, pp. 230). The preceding has provided capitalists, and thus globalisation, with the foundation to pursue consistent â€Å"†¦ economic expansion of the world-system †¦Ã¢â‚¬  which Wallerstein (1976, pp. 230) argues is skewed in its distrib ution of rewards. Globalisation is thus a combination of political aims to strengthen national economies through â€Å"†¦ political power, authority and forms of rule †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Held et al, 1999, p. 32) that aids capitalism, commerce and companies. Globalisation has since evened the playing field as nations, regions and countries have devoted their efforts into strengthening their competitive positions in the commerce arena through regional trading blocks such as the European Union, ASEAN, SAARC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and other organizations evolved â€Å"†¦ the world community into a complicated system based on a growing interdependence among nations† (Carbaugh, 2006, p. 3). China has risen from a developing nation into a world power through its march into capitalism via the innovation of socialist economics, which retains the centralized Party control. Globalisation has aided in the preceding as well as the development of the Chinese military into a sophisticated technologically equipped force (Wortzel, 1994, pp. 168-170). The market reforms of 1978 has enabled the country to harness the commercial potential of its market of 1.3 billion citizens under ‘socialism with Chinese character istics’ which has transformed China from the 32nd largest trading nation in 1978 to second in terms of GDP purchasing power behind the United States (Dellios, 2004). The power of participation in the international flows of globalisation has proven its ability and potential to transform economies and nations as well as the economic balances of power. Globalisation is for most intents and purposes a Western dominated process that is influenced and guided by corporations. In pursuing international markets multinational corporations have opted on a course of standardising their product lines to permit them to make adaptations to reach foreign consumers in the quest for increased market share (Hayler, 2006). Localisation represents the adaptation of products, goods and or services to address the tastes, preferences, cultural â€Å"†¦ and other requirements of a specific target market† (W3C, 2007). A key example of standardisation combined with localisation can be found in portable telephones. Companies need a standardised approach to the production of basic components in a globalised economy for framing, wiring and related components to permit a universal platform of manufacture. With facilities in 15 countries and sales in over 130, Nokia is a prime example of a globalised company (Nokia, 2001). However, individual marke ts require localisation to appeal to consumers in the face of competition, as well as the recognition of preferences, tastes and needs. Nokia innovated the first mobile phone that was designed to provide â€Å"†¦ commands in English, Chinese, Thai, Bahasa for Indonesia and Malaysia, and Spanish for the Philippine market (Hoberg-Petersen et al, 1999). The preceding is an example of the combined utilization of standardisation and localisation required to capture consumers in the competitive globalised marketplace. Nokia’s deft understanding of the variables of the international marketplace represent the application of Porter’s (1998, pp. 59-61) value chain organization, which represents the various activities inside as well as outside a company, equating logistics, operations, marketing and sales, support activities, procurement, technology development, company infrastructure and utilizing the inputs and results from these activities to improve operations by adapti ng and changing where needed to meet the demands of the marketplace. The importance of an international stance in the today’s global economy enables corporations to cope with international competition by leveraging their domestic operations overseas and learns lessons from the unique characteristics of foreign markets to bring back to its own domestic market. The preceding expands the company’s innovation by coming to grips with specialized needs that can translate into new features and approaches that boost sales. Accepting the principle of globalisation is not a luxury that companies can afford to ignore in the face of foreign competition. It is an undeniable facet of competition as any product, goods or services that has a representative market domestically, will be under attack sooner or later by some company or companies seeking to expand. Evidence of the impact of globalisation is shown by the fact that the ratio of exports plus imports as calculated against the global gross domestic product has increased from 16% in 1960 to 40% in 2001 (World Bank, 2002). The forgoing seemingly suggests that localizing products, goods and services from a standardised format to meet the needs of individual markets has proven successful. But, in the larger scheme of things, is globalisation actually helping to increase inequalities between nations and threatening living standards, social progress and employment? As in all questions, there are two sides to every story. The preceding is a highly complex principle to equate as well as measure, as such is dependent upon the relative sophistication of a country’s ability to meet the varied demands of globalisation called for through institutions, infrastructure development, educational systems, professional and skilled worker training and development, access to raw materials, governmental practices and internal policies. It is simple enough to look at examples of inequality, and related factors, however, in the case of Africa and Latin America, they have only recently opened their markets, beginning in the 1980s, as opposed to the United States, Europe and Japan, which were all engaged in the process shortly after World War II (Bardhan, 2006). China adopted market reforms and changed the precepts of socialism to accommodate a process that enabled them to harness their educational, industrial and internal systems and infrastructure to utilize globalisation to reinforce the power of the state. The ir example points to the internal resourcefulness of government to utilize means to transform the way things were done, into what they viewed as needing to be done (Bardhan, 2006). In a free market system inequalities mark the underpinnings of the business process as companies seek lowered costs via which to produce what they are in business for. Such means moving facilities and or processes to those locales that will enable them to maintain quality, but cut costs, and labor, represents the largest cost item. In a report titled â€Å"A Compendium of Inequality† (Martens, 2005) which refers to a United Nations Development Report published in 2005, found that approximately fifty countries, of the total one hundred and seventy-five countries studied, lost ground in terms of their economic standing, GDP and other areas. In order to achieve economic progress, reduce poverty and improve their quality of life, developing countries need increased employment opportunities, improved labor productivity and governmental incentives to attract industry and business as well as to develop them internally. Achievement of the foregoing requires a sustained productivity growth along with increased capacity of the country’s populace in skills and development that will foster the conditions for the attraction of multinational companies and permit the country to compete on the international stage (Little, 2005). Multinational companies bring with them advanced production and management techniques as well as offer increased wages in terms of relative practices thus increasing the standards, thereby attracting the better labor from the available employment pool. The process is slow, yet effective, and the foregoing represent facets used by China, India, Brazil, and the Asian Tigers, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, that aided these countries in making progress in global commerce. Conclusion Globalisation can trace its roots back over 5,000 years, with the modern application of the term credited to Levitt (Tedlow and Abdelal, 2005). The consistent evolution of globalisation has caused theorists and scholars to define and redefine the term with the understanding that in its present complexities that there is no universally agreed upon definition to adequately describe the process that includes economics, social processes, cultural facets, political considerations and the complex entangled web of interdependent relationships these areas have. In this examination, the term globalisation has been narrowed to focus on its economic and business ramifications in examining whether the process is beneficial, and a key to future world economic development that is inevitable and irreversible, or is it a process that promotes inequality within as well as between nations that threatens employment along with living standards and thwarts social progress. And while globalisation does ha ve its less than desirable effects, it has proven its worth in lowering international borders to increase trade, migration and stabilize currency and capital flows in an era that has seen unprecedented growth in innovation, communications and the seeking of a better understanding of humanity’s needs. The process is not going to disappear or reverse itself as whether we like it or not, the world is driven by economics and the interests of corporations to generate profits on behalf of stockholders, and stakeholders in addition to the vested self interests of governments to protect and foster favorable business conditions for corporations that generate employment and pay taxes to support the political structure. The preceding has been and will continue to be an interdependent relationship that has existed since the Chinese dynasties, through the Egyptian era, as well as the Greek and Roman empires. It is not a question of what direction the world is going in, but one of the direction the world has always been going. Corporations are not going to disappear and our way of life that has been evolving change. Commerce, trade and the migration of people has always been with us, globalisation is just the present form that has manifested itself as have as conquests, exploration and wars in addition to trade and commerce been the former means that mankind has utilized from the beginnings of civilisation. As history has taught us, the more advanced nations use the less advanced to further their ends, with the offshoot of the process that the weaker nations through this association, become stronger and sooner or later establish their own independence and dominance in a never ending cycle of ebbs and flows that has seen shifts in political and economic power. Such was the case with the British empire, the rise of the United States, the emergence of the European Union, the development of regional trading blocks and the ascension of China. This examination has shown that while globalisation does have its inequalities and less than desirable points, it, as in all human endeavours, is an evolutionary process that is still learning from itself. As we progress as a race of peoples, so to does our understanding of our mistakes and the drive to correct them. Institutions such as the United Nations are proof of this evolutionary process. Thus, the faults in globalisation do not lie in its proces s, but in our application of them, which those whom opposed to it aiding in pointing out its shortcomings. As we learn, we listen and reshape ourselves to devise ways to better serve ourselves as well as humankind. The examples presented herein point to the foregoing. Bibliography Bardham, P. (2006) Does Globalization Help or Hurt the World’s Poor. 26 March 2006. Scientific American Beck, U., Camiller, P. (2000) What is Globalization. Polity Press Bhaqwati, J. (2005) In defense of Globalization. Oxford University Press Carbaugh, R. (2006) International Economics. Academic Internet Publishers, Inc. Dellios, R. (2004) The Rise of China as a Global Power. Retrieved on 29 January 2007 from Eisenstadt, S. (1968) Empires. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Eisenstadt, S. (1961) The Causes of Disintegration and Fall of Empires: Sociological and Historical Analysis. Vol. 34. Diogenes Giddens, A. (2006) The Second Globalization Debate. Retrieved on 27 January 2007 from Hayler, A. (2006) Standardization is not the answer to the challenge of globalization. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D., Perraton, J. (1999) Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Stanford University Press Hirst, P., Thompson, G. (2001) Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance. Polity Press Hoberg-Petersen, T., Stuart, C., Wetstone, R. (1999) Nokia Mobile Phones: A Lesson in International Strategy. Yale School of Management International Monetary Fund (2000) Globalization: Threat or Opportunity. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from Nokia (2001) Nokia Helps Lead IT Industry to Customers with Disabilities. Retrieved on 29 January 2007 from Ohmae, K. (1996) End of the Nation State: The Rise of Regional Economies. Touchstone Porter, M. (1998) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press PREM Economic Policy Group and Development Economics Group (2005) Assessing Globalization. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from Ray, J (2005) Ohmae’s Subversive Definition of Globalization. Retrieved on 18 January 2007 from Selfa, L. (2002) A New Colonial Age of Empires? May-June 2002. International Socialist Review Shariff, I. (2003) Global Economic Integration: Prospects and Problems. Vol. 1, Issue 2. International Journal of Development Economics Stigliz, J. (2003) Globalization and its Discontents. W.W. Norton Company Tedlow, R., Addelal, R. (2005) Theodore Levitt’s â€Å"The Globalization of Markets†: An Evaluation After Two Decades. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from University of Pennsylvania (2005) A Very Long-Term View: Globalization Since the Fourteenth Century. Retrieved on 27 January 2007 from W3C (2007) Localizations vs. Internationalization. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from Wallerstein, I. (1976) The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World Economy in the Sixteenth Century. New York Academic Press Wallerstein, I, Tilly, C., Shorter, E. (1980) The Modern World-System I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. Academic Press World Bank (2002) Financing the Poorest Countries. Retrieved on 28 January 2007 from Wortzel, L. (1994) China Pursues Great Power Status. Vol. 38, Issue 2. Orbis Yip, G. (1989) Global strategy in a world of nations. Vol. 30. Sloan Management Review

Critical Discussion of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR)

Critical Discussion of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility Defined Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is when a corporation exceeds statutory business standards (Johnson and Scholes 2008). CSR policies are relevant because they state what a company intends to achieve, in addition, to its statutory obligations. A corporation has to comply with legal standards such as employment contracts. However, a company can exceed those principles if it chooses to pay a living wage rather than the minimum wage (Bloomer 2014). Introduction to the Critical Discussion The discussion will examine a traditional criticism of corporate social responsibility through the work of Friedman. This is a view which proponents of CSR will need to refute. The essay will then discuss how social and environmental responsibility can be reconciled, with profitability, using the work of Porter. The example of Hewlett Packard is discussed at length. This is because its policies emphasise how a multi-national company can achieve both environmental and social responsibility together with corporate profitability. The work of Handy is then considered. This argues that companies should have corporate objectives which are broader than just profitability and consider the purpose of the business. Friedmans View of Corporate Social Responsibility Friedmans view is a non-interventionist or laissez-faire vision of commerce. In his view business should aim to earn money while complying with the basic rules of the society such as paying taxes (Friedman 1970:1). It assumes that consumers are sovereign and are able to significantly influence corporate decision-making. This view of commercial organisations underplays the significance of consumer market failure. It is assumed that consumers can take their business elsewhere as Friedman believed that consumers can transfer their business to other producers (Friedman 1970). However, this is not possible if the consumer is unable to pay for another competitor firms products. This is the case if a consumer were unable to pay for the safety features, offered by a car manufacturer such as Volvo, as discussed below. To summarise, socially responsible polices, can be seen as unrealistic if consumers are unwilling to pay for them. Friedman argued that socially responsible business policies, such as promoting equality, can harm company performance. For example, Ben and Jerrys adopted a payment scheme where the highest paid employee could only earn no more than five times the income of the lowest paid firm employee (Barney and Hesterly 2010:7). This payment scheme made it difficult to recruit senior managerial talent to make sure that the company grew and remained profitable (Barney and Hesterly 2010). A More Progressive View of Corporate Social Responsibility There is an increasingly an expectation that companies will contribute to society to a greater extent than when Friedman was writing in the early 1970s. Companies operate in a social environment as well as an economic environment (Grant 2008). A firms ability to survive depends upon its acceptability among consumers who give the firm social legitimacy (Grant 2008:446). Examples of social awareness, such as a demand for safer cars, suggest that companies are wise to respond to consumer concerns (Grant 2008).Corporations have come under increasing pressure to contribute to the societies in which they operate and to adopt more socially responsible business practices (Christodoulou and Patel 2013:467). The corporate setting of voluntary objectives can be seen as an adequate response to the needs of society. Companies can set voluntary standards: to reduce the extent to which their actions cause negative externalities or side-effects (Barney and Hesterly 2010). For example, if a car manufacturer builds a car with a large number of safety features which more than comply with legal requirements. Volvo has promoted the benefits of a relatively safe car which adds value that the customer is willing to pay a premium for (Thompson and Martin 2005:95). However, this approach can also be seen as merely serving a premium segment of the market, rather than being particularly socially responsible. In this case, Volvo is taking a marketing position which conforms to sales objectives while offering better safety to the motorist (Johnson and Scholes 2008). Corporate social responsibility is only conforming to financial requirements. Porters View on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment The concept of CSR is useful as it can help reconcile the financial needs of business with say the safety needs of society. Porter argues that it is a mistake for business to see environmental legislation as a threat to be resisted (Porter and van de Linde 1995). Rather, socially responsible businesses can view regulation in a positive manner; that environmental regulation can be built upon to utilise resources more effectively. It is argued, that there are costs incurred with the elimination of environmental problems but that these are outweighed by the benefits, including financial savings and improvements to product quality (Thompson and Martin 2005). Therefore, it is possible for corporations to be socially responsible without compromising the financial status of the organisation. Porters argument is useful. It has allowed thoughtful companies, such as Hewlett Packard, to reconcile investment in environmental initiatives with corporate profitability. The Hewlett Packard Report Hewlett Packard has a strong reputation in terms of corporate social responsibility ( 2010). The companys CSR policies are detailed and indicate a high level of social responsibility. For example, the company presents environmental information, in a proactive manner, with evidence of wanting to improve recycling programmes. It aims to improve environmental programs to reduce the waste from its production operations (Hewlett Packard 2011). Through these environmental initiatives, the company can help reduce business costs. Hewlett Packards CSR report discusses how it aims to extract value from products which are at the end of their product life (Hewlett Packard 2011). An example is the companys commitment to re-manufacture its printer cartridges so that they can be used again. The company is attempting to promote a strong corporate responsibility through proactive environmental investment. Hewlett Packard has demonstrated strong social responsibility policies. This suggests that such policies can be implemented on a large scale. The company has provided a significant amount of disclosure on a wide range of corporate areas from the environment to human resource management. The detail provided by Hewlett Packard is superior to other companies given that online trade publications have viewed Hewlett Packards performance favourably ( 2013). Given that Hewlett Packard was assessed favourably then the information provided, in its CSR report, can be interpreted as thorough and accurate. The company attempts to improve the wider business community with measures to develop its external supply chain. The company aims for strong standards of behaviour outside the companys core business. This suggests that it is attempting to improve working relationships with its component suppliers (Hewlett Packard 2011). Hewlett Packards CSR document conveys that the company is enabling social responsibility to be addressed. The company suggests that it has a grievance procedure so that different stakeholders can report social or ethical problems to senior management (Hewlett Packard 2011). The company is clearly investing in a responsible approach as it describes legal observance as an absolute minimum which it expects of different stakeholders (Hewlett Packard 2011:82). They argue that their decision making achieves better employment standards, than laws in the different countries in which the company operates (Hewlett Packard 2011). Concerns over Hewlett Packards Stated Policies Hewlett Packard attempts to make the company accountable, to external industry scrutiny. Procedures have been outlined which should make sure that ethical labour standards are achieved (Hewlett Packard 2011). The concern is that ethical objectives could be difficult to implement. There does not appear to be a specific example of how this guidance statement could be delivered in practice. However, there is a well structured diagram which outlines how the company will provide a governance structure so that the company can comply with ethical challenges (Hewlett Packard 2011:82). Some of Hewlett Packards environmental statements can be interpreted as platitudes. The company claims that that it wants to conserve more resources than it consumes (Hewlett Packard 2011). The concern is that it is easy to provide such statements. However, it is more difficult to assess how they are going to conserve more than they consume. This is because environmentally acceptable re-manufacturing programmes will still require energy consumption despite the conservation of the materials. Hewlett Packard may have worse polices, in practice, than those conveyed by its report. This is because suppliers could be forced to comply with the companys standards. There are power relationships between dominant multi-national companies, such as Hewlett Packard, and their suppliers (Locke et. al. 2012). The international sourcing of computer components has left suppliers vulnerable to the dominant buying policies at Hewlett Packard (Wetherly et. al. 2011). These power relationships will tend to be overlooked, in corporate social responsibility reports, because companies will want to portray themselves in a favourable light. Corporate social responsibility policies have been criticised. The development of CSR policies have been difficult to implement for many firms (Birchall and Cook 2006). However, these criticisms should, generally, not be directed at Hewlett Packard due to the level of detail contained in its CSR report. Arguably, they have made an honest corporate attempt to contribute to society (Porter and Kramer 2002). The report goes beyond the legal compliance advocated by Friedman. The detail provided is of a superior standard when compared to a minimum level of legal compliance. The Business and Ethical Concepts of Handy The work of Handy, arguably, goes beyond the corporate responsibility work of writers such as Porter. This is because Handy emphasises the importance of mission statements and the purpose of the organisation. Handy argues that the purpose of a business . . . is not to make a profit, full stop. It is to make a profit so that the business can do something more or better. That something becomes the real justification for the business (Sage Publications 2015:15). Handy argues that a firms profit should be the means to a larger end (Sage Publications 2015). There are companies which adhere to a deeper purpose than merely profit. Tradecraft, in the UK, would be a good example as the companys purpose is to operate life-changing development projects (Traidcraft 2015). However, Traidcraft operates in a niche area of the retail market where affluent consumers, who are willing to pay higher prices, contribute to international development. Therefore Handys ideas may have limited application to businesses throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. However, his ideas are useful where they can be applied. Tradecrafts mission moves beyond immediate stakeholders, such as owners and clearly considers the needs of the broader society (Dess et. al. 2010). The company is an excellent example of a company which incorporates social and environmental, as well as financial factors, into its decision making (Dess et. al. 2010). The challenge for proponents of social responsibility is that many retailers only undertake social and environmental policies which do not damage their sales and profits. Many retailers will concentrate on environmental responsibility in their stores, where they can achieve resource efficiency targets (Jones et. al. 2009). Many retailers social responsibilities are guided by what they can achieve within their financial imperatives (Jones et. al. 2009). However, such corporate policies could lead to accusations of greenwashing. In other words, that the retailers commitment to the environment is limited and that social responsibility reports can play a public relations role rather than a social responsibility role. Many firms are engaging in greenwashing to mislead consumers about the extent of their environmental activities (Delmas and Burbano 2011). Conclusion There is evidence of improvements to companies social responsibility polices. This is because firms have realised that it is financially prudent to use environment resources wisely. It is also necessary for business to be sustainable and to invest in good employment practices and proper labour standards. However, there is a concern that corporate social responsibility is limited by what the consumer is willing, or able, to pay for more ethical approaches. There are few examples of businesses which are willing to adopt socially responsible policies which affect their profitability. Ben and Jerrys is one example before its takeover by Unilever. References Barney, J. and Hesterly, W., (2010), Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, Third Edition, Boston: Prentice Hall Burchell, J. and Cook, J. (2006), Confronting the corporate citizen: Shaping the discourse of corporate social responsibility, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 26, No. 3/4, 2006, p. 121-137 Bloomer, E. (2014), Local action on health inequalities: Health inequalities and the living wage, Public Health England. Retrieved from Christodoulou, I and Patel, Z. (2013), Strategic Perspectives, Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, New York: McGraw Hill Dess, G., Lumpkin G. and Eisner, A. (2010), Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, Fourth Edition, Boston: McGraw Hill Delmas, M. and Burbano, V. (2011), The Drivers of Greenwashing, UCLA, California Management Review. Retrieved from Friedman, M. (1970), The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, The New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970. Retrieved from Grant, R. (2008), Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Sixth Edition, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Hewlett Packard, (2011), HP 2011 Global Citizenship Report. Retrieved from Johnson G. and Scholes, K., (2008), Exploring Corporate Strategy: Eighth Edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Jones, P., Comfort, D. and Hillier, D. (2009), Marketing Sustainable Consumption within Stores: A Case Study of the UKs Leading Food Retailers, Sustainability 2009, 1, 815-826. Retrieved from Locke, R, Distelhorst ,G., Pal, T. and Hiram M. S., Production Goes Global, Standards Stay Local: Private Labor Regulation in the Global Electronics Industry, Retrieved from Porter, M. and Kramer M., (2002), The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy, Harvard Business Review, December 2002. , Retrieved from Porter, M. and van de Linde, C. (1995), Towards a New Conception of the Environment-Competitiveness Relationship, The Journal Of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 4. Retrieved from Sage Publications (2014), What is CSR. Retrieved from, (2010), CRs 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010. Retrieved from Thompson, J. and Martin, F. (2005), Strategic Management: Awareness and Change, Fifth Edition, London: Thomson Learning Traidcraft, (2015), Traidcraft: Fighting Poverty Through Trade. Retrieved from Wetherly, P. and Otter, D. (2011), The Business Environment: Themes and Issues, Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Saturday, July 20, 2019

war and suffering :: essays research papers

You have discovered one of the most comprehensive on-line collections of speech texts of contemporary American History. Here you can read the speeches and backgrounds of many of the most influential and poignant speakers of the recorded age. To help put each speaker in historical context, we have also provided a brief timeline of historical events. To learn about the speaker and what he or she was talking about, click on the background link. To skip the background and read the text of the speech only, click on the speech link. To listen to an audio sample, click on the audio link, and to watch a short video excerpt, click on the video link. Additional background stories and audio and video links will be added as each episode of Great American Speeches airs on PBS over the next five weeks. Speeches are arranged sequentially by era. To find a particular speech, scroll down through the page, or you can jump to a specific decade by using the 10-year timebar below. 1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 - pre 1900 - Former slave Booker T. Washington founds Tuskeegee Institute to educate black Americans, 1881. Supreme Court overturns Civil Rights Act of 1875 which had guaranteed black Americans equal access to public facilities, 1883. Statue of Liberty is dedicated, Oct. 28, 1886. Workers strike at Carnegie steel mills in Homestead, PA; 18 people killed on July 6, 1892. Financial panic leads to bank foreclosures and four-year national economic depression, 1893. Booker T. Washington speaks at The Cotton State Exposition, Atlanta, GA, Sep. 18, 1895. Speech Supreme Court, in Plessy vs. Ferguson, upholds "separate-but-equal" racial segregation policies, 1896. William Jennings Bryan delivers his "Cross of Gold" at the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Il, Jul. 9, 1896. Background - Speech - Audio - Audio Bourke Cockran, Democratic Congressman, delivers pro-Gold rebuttal, New York, NY, Aug. 18, 1896. Speech Spanish-American War begins, April 22. With victory, U.S. wins control of Puerto Rico, the Phillippines, Guam, and Cuba, Dec. 10, 1898. Three year Philippine insurrection against American rule begins, 1889. - 1900s - Albert J. Beveridge, Indiana Senator, speaks on "The Philippine Question," before Congress, Jan. 9, 1900. Speech William Jennings Bryan accepts Democratic nomination for President and condemns U.S. policy in the Philippines, Indianapolis, IN, Aug. 8, 1900. Speech Mark Twain speaks on the "Defense of General Funston," Princeton, NJ, Feb. war and suffering :: essays research papers You have discovered one of the most comprehensive on-line collections of speech texts of contemporary American History. Here you can read the speeches and backgrounds of many of the most influential and poignant speakers of the recorded age. To help put each speaker in historical context, we have also provided a brief timeline of historical events. To learn about the speaker and what he or she was talking about, click on the background link. To skip the background and read the text of the speech only, click on the speech link. To listen to an audio sample, click on the audio link, and to watch a short video excerpt, click on the video link. Additional background stories and audio and video links will be added as each episode of Great American Speeches airs on PBS over the next five weeks. Speeches are arranged sequentially by era. To find a particular speech, scroll down through the page, or you can jump to a specific decade by using the 10-year timebar below. 1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 - pre 1900 - Former slave Booker T. Washington founds Tuskeegee Institute to educate black Americans, 1881. Supreme Court overturns Civil Rights Act of 1875 which had guaranteed black Americans equal access to public facilities, 1883. Statue of Liberty is dedicated, Oct. 28, 1886. Workers strike at Carnegie steel mills in Homestead, PA; 18 people killed on July 6, 1892. Financial panic leads to bank foreclosures and four-year national economic depression, 1893. Booker T. Washington speaks at The Cotton State Exposition, Atlanta, GA, Sep. 18, 1895. Speech Supreme Court, in Plessy vs. Ferguson, upholds "separate-but-equal" racial segregation policies, 1896. William Jennings Bryan delivers his "Cross of Gold" at the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Il, Jul. 9, 1896. Background - Speech - Audio - Audio Bourke Cockran, Democratic Congressman, delivers pro-Gold rebuttal, New York, NY, Aug. 18, 1896. Speech Spanish-American War begins, April 22. With victory, U.S. wins control of Puerto Rico, the Phillippines, Guam, and Cuba, Dec. 10, 1898. Three year Philippine insurrection against American rule begins, 1889. - 1900s - Albert J. Beveridge, Indiana Senator, speaks on "The Philippine Question," before Congress, Jan. 9, 1900. Speech William Jennings Bryan accepts Democratic nomination for President and condemns U.S. policy in the Philippines, Indianapolis, IN, Aug. 8, 1900. Speech Mark Twain speaks on the "Defense of General Funston," Princeton, NJ, Feb.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucers Canterbury Tales Es

Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales is Geoffrey Chaucer's greatest and most memorable work. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer uses "a fictitious pilgrimage [to Canterbury] as a framing device for a number of stories" (Norton 79). In "The General Prologue" of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer describes in detail the pilgrims he meets in the inn on their way to Canterbury. Chaucer is the author, but also a character and the narrator, and acts like a reporter to provide a detailed description of the pilgrims. Through his description, the reader is able to paint a picture of each of the characters. In "The General Prologue," he describes each character by giving a detailed description of the character's appearance, clothing, social status, beliefs, and other relevant details. However, Chaucer never condemns his characters: "What uniquely distinguishes Chaucer's prologue from conventional estates of satire, however, is the suppression in all but a few instances of overt moral judgement. . . . It is up to the reader to draw up the moral indictment from the evidence presented with such artlessness even while falling in with the easygoing mood of 'felaweship' that pervades Chaucer's prologue to the pilgrimage" (Norton 80-81). Chaucer is thus able to create a tension between the ideal and the real. He builds up the reader's expectations and then shatters them. Although The Canterbury Tales was probably written in the late fourteenth century, many of the pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales seem real and true to life even today. One of the most memorable pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales, as well as one of the most memorable women in literature, is the Wife of Bath. The "lusty and domineering"... ...urteenth century, her ideas, beliefs, and behavior are more like a woman of the twentieth century or possibly even the twenty-first century. She is truly a woman ahead of her time. Works Cited Abrams, M. H. et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 1. Sixth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton, & Co. 1993. 76-144. Benson. Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. February 1997. October 24, 1998. Online. Internet. Available http: Bobr, Janet. Welcome to Camelot. 1998. October 24, 1998. Online. Internet. Available http: Canterbury Tales. 1998. November 30, 1998. Online. Internet. Available http: Jokinen, Anniina. Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343-1400). July 1996. October 24, 1998. Online. Internet. Available http: