Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Appeal admission letter to ucsd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Appeal admission letter to ucsd - Essay causeI play tennis in the Tennis Junior Varsity Team. I play the saxophone in the Marching Band and the violin in the Orchestra.As you give have noticed, I am not only a dedicated and responsible person in my academic work, but I am also a musician, an athlete, involved in community work, and I am environmentally inner and active. This is the reason why I am applying to UCSD. Having an Environmental Science major, a Marching Band, an Orchestra, and tennis teams will give me the opportunity to continue to excel in those areas that I am already active in and it will help me to achieve my goals and objectives by being part of your campus.I am a bookish person. I start and finish tasks before or on their due dates. I work on an individual basis and as a team member. I have assumed leadership roles. I am multi-tasks train and I am successful being involved in all of my tasks.I would like to be involved in assisting your faculty that is conducti ng research in any of these areas global warming shortage of office staff and/or, environmental pollution. I hope that the University of California in San Diego sees in me as a successful schoolchild that will fulfill his/her (identify your gender) baccalaureate. I hope that you give me the opportunity to become part of your alumni association as my
Monday, April 29, 2019
Research paper on target population-18 yr. olds aging out of Foster Essay
Research paper on target population-18 yr. olds aging emerge of Foster Care System - Essay Examplef individuals risk factors The factors that account for the varied outcomes of decrepit out individuals are influenced by step do of cherish sustenance facility. Aged out individuals of foster attention systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Inadequate foster care ends up being to a greater extent expensive to society because it generates incapable, inefficient suppressed future younker. Application of proactive measures and safe tools should be taken by the organisations to control their exit out of foster care system. Positive events and quality care experienced by individuals in youth would definitely help them to achieve much more in their life. The strategies should be aimed to improve behavioral outcomes, enhance life satisfaction, and greater level of competence in activities of daily maintenance.Foster care givers are committed to helpi ng the children and young people who are physically, mentally, and/or socially abandoned. Government is responsible to take care of these youths. Local, state and Federal funding operates foster care services (Winder, 2007). When the individual turn 18 years, he/she is out of dependent foster care living system and has to start independent living. Moving into adulthood is important transformation in the span of benevolent life. The individuals at this stage might not be physically and intellectually mature to take respectable decisions required to drive their future in a proper direction. Aged out individuals of foster care systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Many times unfairly treated youth in foster care are saddened and get deeply hurt by surrounding forces. engross of former foster care young people is of great concern. They might not be that sloshed to be own their own and stop relying on charity or handouts, when they are no long-live d part of foster care. The factors that account for the varied outcomes of aged out individuals are influenced by quality care of foster care facility.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Roles and responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Roles and responsibilities - Essay ExampleCoaching and corporeal instruction involves programming and supplying process. It extensively involves the teaching style, the learning style, the leadership style, the motorbusing style and the communication skills. According to Cross (1999), physical fittingness is categorized into two, first, is the general fitness which refers to the condition of an single health and wealth being. Secondly, is the specific fitness which is mainly task-oriented. It is defined depending on an individuals ability to carry out different aspects of maneuvers. strong-arm fitness is gained through exercising, having the correct nutrition and adequate rest. All these are important in an individuals life. According to Weinberg and Gould (2005), physical activity is an exercise through which the body is made to work scanty hard than normal. It involves actives that go to the extreme level as compared to ones routine of just sitting, stand and walking up the stairs. Increased Physical activity is beneficial to each(prenominal). Sport is known to be a game that has its basis in physical athleticism, (Heyward, 2006). The roles and responsibilities of a direct are viewed at times as being complex and involving Cassidy, (2005). At the same time they are exciting and very rewarding to all individuals involved. ... This is based on the idea that reassurance and relieve is attained through sharing anxieties. Fourthly, a jalopy is a demonstrator a coach has to clearly demonstrate the right skill which the athletes are supposed to perform. Fifth, he or she plays a role of a friend a coach and an athlete develop person-to-person relationship with time as they work together. Apart from provision of coaching advice sport coach bring a close person who can also be involved problems discussion and sharing of success. A coach has to be careful and ensure that all personal information remains confidential. Through this, the coach will manage to m aintain the existing friendship and respect. The sixth role is that of a facilitator, a coach is greatly involved in identifying the appropriate competitions which best suit the athletes. This will assist the competitors in attaining their p.a. objectives. The seventh role is that of a fact finder, a coach plays a see role in collection of data of both national and international results and provides updates with the latest training techniques. Eight, a coach is a fountain of knowledge in some cases coaches are asked questions on different events on media, for example television, diet, sport injuries and other topics outside the field of sports. Ninth, a coach is also an instructor who is supposed to instruct athletes on different sport skills. Tenth, he or she is a motivator a coach plays a key role in maintaining the motivation of athletes throughout the year. Twelfth, he or she is a role model, a coach remains to be a model on specific behavioural and social role for those on a lower floor him or her to imitate. This is among the most important roles as coaches are required to be good examples to
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Research on the composer Handel Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
On the composer Handel - Research Paper ExampleNot however the uniqueness of his music but peoples attitude and his popularity made him an important figure of the Baroque fulfilment. In fact, this period left a signifi passelt imprint on his life as well as career, and it can be traced both in his biography and invents.First of all, it is Handels biography that shows he is a representative of a period in which he was living. During the Baroque period, there were two main factors that influenced composers and their music location and money, with the latter(prenominal) being, perhaps, the most important one. In order to be able to compose music and be heard, composers involve patrons who could support and put them forward as well as sponsor them. In life and work of Handel, much(prenominal) sponsors performed a very important role. The first person who influenced Handels future was the Duke of Saxe-Weisenfels. Despite the fact that he did not support the future composer materially , it was he who recognized the fact that music was Handels true mission tied(p) though Handels father felt like his son becoming a lawyer. The Duke once said to the composers father, for his take part, he could not but consider it is a sort of a crime against the public to surcharge the world of such a Genius (Kivy 40). It was after Handels visit to the court of Saxe-Weisenfels that he started taking lessons in playing the organ at Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow (Kivy 40-41).Handel traveled a lot and during his traveling he met quite a significant number of influential people, many of whom were charmed by the composers talent. He spent about four years in Italy (1706-1710) as he was invited there by Prince Ferdinando de Medici of Florence. In Italy, Handel enjoyed great attention of music-loving prelates, such as Cardinal Pamphili and Cardinal Ottoboni. Not only they but other representatives of both aristocracy and clergy were gauge to invite Handel to perform music at their palaces for they recognized his talent. Among such people were the Hanoverian Prince Ernst
Friday, April 26, 2019
Accounting i a subjective subject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
story i a subjective subject - Essay ExampleA theory ucce a a theory depend on it value to uer in explaining and indicateing event.A of now there i non one theory in history that can be called The Accounting Theory, a no one theory can menstruationly explain and/or uccefully predict all accounting phenomena. However, the paper doe take into account the potential value of the poitive theory of accounting and it demarcation line. Finally, the paper attempt to ae the need for an accounting theory and to determine whether we need one.If it i to be comprehenible and reliable, accounting mut be ued in accordance with pecific rule and edict. It would be chao of Babylonian proportion if each peron ued hi own grammar and style - nobody would undertand anybody ele. Likewie, it i eential that accounting i ued fit to generally accepted rule. (Thoma , 2003, 10)The hitory of accounting i a old a civilization, pick out to important phae of hitory, among the mot important profeion in econ omic and buine, and facinating. Accountant participated in the development of citie, trade, and the concept of wealth and number. Accountant invented writing, participated in the development of money and banking, invented double initiation bookkeeping that fueled the Italian Renaiance, aved many Indutrial Revolution inventor and entrepreneur from bankruptcy, helped develop the bureau in capital market neceary for wetern capitalim, and are central to the schooling revolution... Big buine removed capital market that depended on accurate and ueful information. Thi wa upplied by the expanding accounting profeion. Today, a global real-time integrated information ytem i a near reality, uggeting new accounting paradigm. Undertanding hitory i needed to develop the linkage to predict thi future.The firt prerequiite i that accounting hould agree or conform with the baic fair play according to which our economic ytem function the current economic and buine practice and the applicable law a embodied in legilative regulation or ordinary law. Conequently, it i important that uniformity i maintained in accounting practice in early(a) word, a pecific et of circumtance, wherever it whitethorn be encountered mut be dealt with by everyone in exactly the ame way at heart the accounting proce.Accounting theory create a framework that enure that accounting practice complie with the requirement of agreement and uniformity. Thi theory i embodied in a et of principle, policie, method, procedure and convention. The continuouly increaing cope and complexity of our economic ytem require a correponding proce of adaptation in accounting in order that the relevant information regarding economic activitie may be recorded. It i eential that everyone involved in accounting hould undertand thi proce of adaptation moreover, a prerequiite for uch undertanding i a grap of not only the theory of accounting, but alo the tructure of that theory. (Thoma , 2003, 10)Accounting theory i baed on a et of baic economic truth that are of a dual nature. Firt, accounting theory i baed on propoition generally accepted in the economic order of a particular ociety. For example, conider the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
David Mamet's ascertains that actor training limits the narrative Dissertation
David Mamets ascertains that imposter raising limits the write up process is undermined by his admit work - Dissertation ExampleMamets works reflects a minimalist approach and it would appear that, tending(p) the meaning and elements of biography in the performing arts, Mamets minimalist approach was demonstratively more incongruous with the history process. This research study analyses Mamets contention that actor training limits the narrative process is undermined by his work. It is concluded that Mamets approach to acting is formalistic and although his approach to acting is interesting, actor training helps to take a shit academy award winners none of whom can be accused of letting their acting techniques limit the narrative process. In fact, actor training is a more certain way of ensuring that the narrative process flows fluidly. flurry of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 5 floor in Film and the Visual arts 5 Definitions 5 Narrative in Film and the Visual Arts 6 Ac tor schooling and Acting Styles and Techniques 8 Mamets Works and The Narrative Process 10 Conclusion 20 Bibliography 21 Certification I certify that this dissertation is original and any ideas or material that are non the authors is properly cited and credited using Chicago referencing format. Introduction The fact that David Mamets claim that actor training limits the narrative process is undermined by his take work, is not surprising. As both a writer and director, Mamets works often contradict his style and philosophies. For example, Mamets writing is replete with realism, however, his directing produces minimalist styles or else than realism.1 This dissertation focuses on the contradiction between Mamets claim that actor training limits the narrative and his own work. It is hypothesized that Mamets claim is limited by his understanding of the narrative process as a film writer and playwright, yet his work reflects a directing style that understands that acting, directing, c horeography and the ensemble of scenes and sounds produce a broadloom narrative. In order to explore and test this hypothesis this dissertation is divided into three main parts. The maiden part of this dissertation describes and analyses narrative in the film and visual arts. The second part of this dissertation analysing actor training and the styles contemplated by actor training. The third part of this dissertation demonstrates how Mamets claim is undermined by his claim. Narrative in Film and the Visual Arts Definitions According to action surmisal, narrative is story telling that moves the plot along. Thus narrative is action within a story that moves the plot along and this is usually dictated by action and character.2 The theory of narratology of drams is represented in two ways. Prior to the 20th century, narratology of drams limited the innovation and definition of drama to the verbal transmission of fictional stories.3 However, as the landscape of fiction changed, th ere was an change magnitude interest in narrative in all forms, including paintings. Thus the theory of narratology of drama took into account the fact that there were extranarrative forms that not only helped to tell a story, but was a manifestation of the story itself.4 The theory of narratology of drama is now connected more firmly with the idea that narrative is any text that tells a story and narrative is therefore comprised of temporal structure, a set of characters, and a setting.5 Depending on the discipline, narrative can have a restrictive or very broad meaning. For example in psychology, narrative narrowly contemplates
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Multi Media buy Rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Multi Media buy rationale - Essay ExampleEach medium had a budget of $214,000 for April, giving a total of $642,000. During the months of may and June, each had a budget of $143,000 giving a total of $429,000. This gives a total budget of $1,500,000. tactical maneuver for Magazines The MNI networks for the different packages are presented below, with their respective median age, female % and median HHI. It was concluded from the tables that female population play a big role in these magazines. The Ad Size of these magazines was full page, full colors were utilise to design their pages.According to the budget and calculations, it was concluded that the magazines to be included in the April budget were Beauty, Style&Design, Family, lusty Living, Luxury and Entertainment. The magazines to be included in the whitethorn and June budget were Beauty, Style&Design, Family and Healthy Living.The Weekly direct TV Expenditures are shown in the table below. Most of the budget goes to the pri me day time. For the introductory dot (April), the Net budget per week was $53,500 and the Gross budget per week was $62,943. For the Sustaining period (May & June) the Net budget per week was $31,778 and the Gross budget per week was $37,387.April had 36 spots per week, consuming $59,760 from the April gross weekly budget. The sustaining period of May and June had 22 spots per week, consuming a total of $33,200 from the gross weekly
Knaan - Waving Flag Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Knaan - Waving Flag - adjudicate ExamplePeople have to unite and love each other regardless of race, ethnic earth and culture. The mechanic gives an example using sporting activities because people from different background receive and celebrate together. repeating has been portrayed in various stances right from the start. For instance, And then it goes back has been repeated many times the emit section of the song. The artist uses a symbol Just like a waving yield as he associates freedom to the waving flag (Metro Lyrics 1). During normal circumstance, the flag has to change directions. It can be deduced that the artist used the flag to symbolize that people can change their fortune within a shortstop period. This means that the situation of both the poor and the rich can easily change. The waving nature of the flag also represents freedom of movement, expression, personality, and uniqueness. Exaggeration has been used in the meter, Born to a throne, stronger than Rome (Me tro Lyrics 1). This is because the present generations come from wealthy families, who are also privileged. Imagery has been used in the lines which states that, poor people zone, but its my pedestal (Metro Lyrics 1). The stanza makes the audience imagine of poor people, their homes and clothing. Poor people are always associated with poor living conditions, suffering, and yearning as brought out in the stanza. Theme of fantasy has also been portrayed in the same verse when Knaan refers to his home as a concrete object. An individual would have an emotional feeling after hearing to the song (Metro Lyrics 1). It starts with portraying the poor living conditions experienced by Knaan while still in a war-torn nation of Somali and ends with an inspiration of living together regardless of race and ethnic background. most(prenominal) people would love the song because it is educative. For instance, people would realize that freedom could only be achieved in
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Movie Titanic Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Titanic - word-painting Review ExampleHe wroteIn the wake of the Titanicmania, several critics took on these broader questions. Frank Rich ascertained in the New York Times that Titanic was destined to be truer to 1997 than 1912, no matter how faithfully the director, mob Cameron, reproduced every last brandy sniffer of the White Star Line.One of the primary accurate accounts that the movie faithfully declare off from the RMS Titanic was the date setting that the movie took place of. In the movie it was noted that the graduation launching of the supposed extravagant ship was in April 14, 1912 - the exact date of the launch of the TMS Titanic preserve in history.The gigantic putrid ship under the ocean was shown when group of treasure hunters explored the location of the drop ship. The 2000 feet deep sunken ship being shown without the movie was actually the real footage of the Titanic that pack Cameron have taken in 1995, before the production began (Berardinelli 1997).From t he start, the acknowledgement of the real Titanic was implied by Cameron for originally depicting the real one rather than the productions improvised version of it. This is apparently a sign of assess for the accuracy of the image of the ship, and also a point of accuracy regarding its image. Social Setting. Titanic represents the transition of the loving condition during the real RMS Titanics stay by splitting its body in two when it was then persistently sinking, upon the films depiction. The stream then was apparently dealing on a scheme of the boundaries betwixt the upper-class and the lower-class, and the period did really exist in friendly history. The placement was visible upon the characterization of the main prevails of the movie through Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Di Carpio, and rose Dewitt Bukater played by Kate Winslet. Although struggling in status, Rose belongs to the upper-class, while Jack belongs to the lower-class, both aboard in the remarkable ship t hough in opposite decks, denoting their statuses. Another historically accurate in sociological ground of the movie is the stereotypical setting during the period that hindered intimate connections between the rich and the poor, such as the sort of forbidden love case between Jack and Rose. Marriage of the rich families somehow became a trend then to secure one anothers social status or wealth in society. The fictional character Rose had been dealing was a literal social pressure during that era when she was being forced by her socially-threatened mother to be married to the character that Billy Zane being portrayed, Caledon Hockley, the rich fiance of Rose. Upon prior meeting with Jack, Rose was already reluctant to be wed with Caledon, but she was being strained by conditioning of her mother to marry him to keep their status in the Alta society - many similar cases had been cited in the history at the period (Chumo 1999).Characters. The two lead characters are well known to be f ictitious, which Cameron honestly claimed as to be. However, some real significant characters put down from the history were given to life in the film, and fairly built up with characterizations that were based on their immediate descriptions from history as well - of what they were famous of. They were depicted upon the fictional scenes
Monday, April 22, 2019
Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6
Marketing Plan - audition Exampleforms of senior citizens day condole with Centres since the 1970s which are defined as community-based programs that are designed to meet the inevitably of minimally impaired adults through an individualized plan of care for part of the 24-hour day. According to the 2000 census, there are 3,407 senior citizens day care centers operating in the coupled States, serving primarily mickle with aberration (including Alzheimers disease) and the frail elderly who do not have dementia though experts suggest that this number is fast going to rise as to a greater extent and more mountain require and seek these services, (Lakdawalla, Bhattacharya, Goldman, & National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001)The Sunset Senior Citizens Daycares mission is to provide a program of social, recreational, and health activities and services in a group setting that will keep our clients as comfortable as possible and at the same time caring for their immediate individual needsIn the recent past, the demand for senior citizens day care centres has considerably grown. The lifestyles of the population has changed making the people need care at significantly early old age thus the need to have more of this centres. This makes a venture such as opening this centre economically viable.In recent years, the age at which people adult day care services has considerably become lower as a result of the lifestyle diseases among other things. Therefore it seems that people age faster they did before. Family structures are in addition evolving and people prefer to have their aging loved ones cared for in these centres so that they get a see to go make a living, (Kane, 1986).The technological environment changes rapidly and therefore peoples needs also follow these trends. The clients will need a variety of foods that are healthy and at the upright times. They will also need to be entertained with activities like playing cards or jump on games and also schedul ing activities such as bowling or even tennis if it is available.Other
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Should judges be elected, appointed, or selected on merit Essay
Should decide be elected, appointed, or selected on merit - Essay ExampleI believe that the merit based selection of trys is best as it would primarily rely on its legal expertise for judgment leading to sentencing.The position of judges is paramount in the legal argonna. The need for independence in imposing sentences in offences becomes a crucial regaining. The accountability to public opinion in cases directly linked to public welfare is an issue that frequently influences the selection pattern or raises controversy. The responsiveness to public opinion is deemed important but at the same time, the need to remain within the broader precinct of law and constitution is integral part of justice. The judges who are selected through merit are prone to follow law and their judgment and sentences are based on legal statutes and clauses that cut across race, color, culture and socio-political leanings (OConnor, 2010). This is fundamental to justice system that is not influenced by ou tback(a) twinge, be it public opinion.The merit system of selection is also commendable because it ensures that selection of judges is make through a nominating committee which comprises of eminent lawyers and non lawyers of public repute. The list of judges is forwarded to governor who appoints a judge from the list for a defined period. The second term of the judge is through election which the public fire appropriately elect if it finds his/her performance up to its expectations. This is a critical parameter that gives public the right to exclude the judge if the performance evaluation or the meritocracy level of judgment is found to be below par. or so importantly, the merit based selection promotes independence in judiciary that discourages political interference and undue pressure that could influence justice (Cann, 2007). It also helps to appoint judges from sectors like minority and women who may otherwise be sidetracked by the vested interests. It also gives equal oppor tunities to
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The Federal Law in the United Arab Emirates Essay
The Federal Law in the United Arab Emirates - turn up ExampleThese federal official rules are made to ensure that all people of the confederation abide by the standards set and deemed appropriate for public good and national betterment in all terms by the officiating bodies of the seven Emirates through their officials. This paper will discuss within its context the creation of the UAE federation, the constitution, the federal laws and the creation of federal business laws that already exist within UAE. Key words federal state, federal law, constitution, business law Federal Law in the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates Starting Point The UAE is a federation of seven Emirates comprising Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain. It was formed on the 2nd of December 1971 (Latham & Watkins LLP, 2011, p. 1). The UAE federal constitution was adopted and accepted in 1996. It ensures the allocation of powers between the federal government a nd the government of separately Emirate. It is one of the largerst countries in the Gulf with a land area that extends to 83,000 square kilometers and a population of 2.6 one thousand cardinal (Gulf Law, 2011). Ethnicities that comprise the total population of the United Arab Emirates are Indians with a total census of 1.75 million, Pakistani with 1.25 million counts, Bangladeshi at a rate of 500,000, other inhabitants of Asian origin amount to one million according to the census, European and African comprising 500,000, while the population of Emirati amounts to 890,000. Majority of the people in UAE are Muslims at the rate of 96% compared to the Hindu and Christian sects present in the country. The official language is Arabic though English, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali are also used widely (U. S. Department of State, Bureau of just Eastern Affairs, 2011). The regimen There is still an independent type of governance in each Emirate since the UAE is a loose federation of seven Emirat es with its get ruler in each of them. Under the provisional constitution of 1971, each Emirate controls its own activities and reserves considerable powers including control over mineral rights, such as oil and gas, as well(p) as revenues. But over time the federal powers have developed slowly and the constitution has conventional set of rules under the creation of President as the chief of state and Vice President as second of rule, each having a fixed term of 5 year service. Other members of the government includes a Council of Ministers, led by a Prime Minister as the head of the government a independent council of rulers and a Federal National Council of 40 members wherein 20 members are appointed by the Emirate rulers and other half of 20 members are elected through an electorate by the rulers of each emirate (U.S. Department of State, Bureau on Near Eastern Affairs, 2011). Within a remarkably short span of time since the creation of the federation, the United Arab Emirates managed to compose a stable country with a booming economy based on free trade. today the economic status of UAE has earned it a reputation as one of the leading economic icons in the Middle East. This is one of the main reasons why lots of people and business builders and investors thrive to work or build businesses within boundaries of the Federation. The reputation of the Emirates as a free trade area was enhanced with promptly developing free zones and the oil
Friday, April 19, 2019
Analysis case with economics theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis case with economics theory - Essay Examplem a person-to-person interaction both between the students and with their tutors and employment opportunities that arise from physical learning institutions.Starting off with the costs, base classroom learning doesnt require any special equipment besides the usual paper and penitentiary for the majority of the courses. Most campuses offer accommodation cheaply for their students besides subsidized meals. These ensure the costs argon kept down so that more and more people can have the privilege of accessing university education. Comp bed to online learning, wads of costs are incurred with reference to high-speed internet costs, powerful computers and having to rent a house at high costs if one isnt lucky enough to study from home.The advantage of having many students enables economies of ordered series and thus most costs can be cut for affordabilitys sake. It is an advantage in the whizz that students stay on the campus and focu s on studying and ontogenesis new(prenominal) skills being aware that their other needs are taken care of.My second point for classroom learning is a overleap of interaction among the students themselves and between the students and their teachers (Filimban 66). This leads to the students not developing their mental capabilities beyond what they know due to less challenges and the determination to have closed minds. Compared to classroom learning where students get to share ideas freely thus enhancing thinking capacities and developing better personalities through socializing with others, online learning only aims to impart knowledge and little else. It should thus be left to specialized graduates who have already developed their characters accordingly and need the special knowledge to however their professions.Online learning removes the natural and traditional hands-on experience where one learns through practical settings that ensure the lessons are absorbed and kept well. Th e fact that classroom learning brings the students into direct contact with their
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Stand your ground law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Stand your ground fair play - Research Paper useControversies surrounding the SYG law have off late attracted the nations debate. From 2005, eighteen states have enacted the law extending the self-defense obligation without retracting to any place an individual has the right to be, and other several additional States are looking fore to passing the same law. With all these implications, of the threat to public safety, less has been done to research on the marrow of the law on peoples security. There is some recorded data at the statistical agencies in U.S. to study the prevalence of homicides. The data from these agencies indicate that the increasing number of homicides is attributed to the SYG law (Yu 119). There is no evidence given by any agency as to why there is an increase in homicides in blacks.The statutes referred to as Stand Your Ground (SYG) allows one to use force, even lethal one in self-defense, in an event of reasonable threat with no duty to first retreat. The r ight to defend individuals plateful from any intruder with no obligation to retreat is apparently protected by Castle Doctrine. The digression with the new laws is that they exceed the Castle Doctrine to the places like the workplace, vehicle or anywhere else this limits the duty to retreat (Skiba 21). Since the time Florida passed the law in 2005, other seventeen states have introduced the SYG law with proportions allowing immunity from criminal quest when one uses deadly defense force in areas beyond their homes. With significant help from the National acquaintance of Riffles, the users of SYG law say that they cannot support crime on the same. They also say that citizens who abide by the law should be able to protect themselves from attackers or intruders without the worry of being prosecuted. It is also postulated that the great increase in concerns about public safety came after the 2001 terrorist attacks and Katrina of 2005, which led to
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Las Vegas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Las Vegas - Essay ExampleWe know our winning or losing is certain, insofar wretch at the jab glory gained by a shallow victory. Las Vegas explores the well-hidden lust that lies just beneath the get offually repressed break through(prenominal) of the American public. This contradiction creates an illusion of sin and deviance that in reality stays just out of the grasp of the people wishing to partake of it. The closer the audience gets the more they discover there is vigor more that empty rooms surrounded by paper thin walls. Though the city appears to be rife with sex it is only an illusion created by the fantasy of violating our norms, which evaporates into a masquerade as counterfeit as the facade of any casino resort.Americas fundamental belief in the Chrisitan values that the country was founded on argon at the root of the illusion. People have a strong attraction to deviance yet live in a world where it is unacceptable by definition. In America, sex is the ultimate symb olisation of deviance. By European standards America is a modest country in terms of familiarity. In America, sex has become the Christian icon for the thing we want and the thing that is just not attainable. Ferrari and Ives write that, We are a Puritan nation obsessed with sex, a self-proclaimed meritocracy that idolizes wealth, a hardworking, churchgoing, law-abiding people that cant wait to caller all night long (6). But the sex will have to remain a proscribed to be meaningful, as it is the repression of sexuality that brings such glamour to it. This paradoxical condition of being the aberration and yet, the dream, results in a Las Vegas that is disliked and rejected, yet seductive and pleasurable (Firat 8). America is psychologically drawn to the forbidden crop and at the same time is repulsed by it. People want it to be a reality hardly they pray that it is only a facade. kindleuality is an scope where overindulgence is discouraged even while breathing in a society th at praises consumer unembellished in the areas of wealth and avarice. Success in America is mensurable by how much materialism can be attained and flaunted. Yet, sex is the dirty little area where excess is truly taboo. Firat describes Las Vegas as an aberration, where sleazy and illicit activities are sanctioned. Las Vegas is the excess of the American way of life, where legion(predicate) went to let go-the city of abandon (8). However, norms and values as they relate to sex are not so easily abandoned in a culture that objects to even the most innocent public displays of affection. Sex in Las Vegas must necessarily remain a fantasy. These are the mixed messages that make Las Vegas a, ridiculous presentment of frustrated Puritanism (Bouchet 7). People are praised for their love affections with their automobile and their public display of gluttony and greed, but expressions of sexual freedom need to remain hidden behind the closed doors of the private mind.Sex is the one excess t hat Americans will not emotionally tolerate and has become the national poster child for decadent behavior. It is the goodness of locker room talk and bathroom humor that is never brought into mixed company in the electric arc of day. In Las Vegas it is expected that people will drink, gamble, and stay out all night. Family, friends, and society will excuse these violations of their personal norms. However, exploring the seamy underbelly of the sex trade would be
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Letter of Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
letter of Recommendation - Essay ExampleShe has a solid knowledge base of the types of the appropriate injections for patients.She is a precise skillful employee and during her time here at the hospital she had the opportunity to learn about patients from diverse backgrounds and who had a wide variety of illnesses. These health issues ranged from physical injuries, emergency health situations, and timely patient care provision. In my professional opinion, she would excel in any hospitals emergency department as she is tireless in providing eccentric support to doctors. She also excels at all tasks given to her throughout her shift. While working with us she showed overlord problem-solving skills and an outstanding critical thinking competency which was evident in the way she managed various situations that she encountered in the hospital. Her ability to make quick and wise decisions in carrying out her functions even under high-stress environments is unsurpassed. She is diligent in heavy(a) medications and referrals to patients, and she worked around the x-ray duties remarkably.She is a hardworking lady and did exemplary work with the patients. She always took her time to moot the vital signs readings of all the patients whenever they came to the doctors room. Her interest in monitoring the blood pressure and pulse rate of the patients, as well as their temperature showed that she took the required steps in diagnosing patients. She was always eager to learn out what various readings of vitals meant and it took her very little time to manage to recognize a hypertension patient.This lady is an avid learner and a team player, keen on ways to improve herself to get around suit both the patients and hospital needs. She is very dependable in her work, having impeccable shell notes that are always up to date. She holds herself highly in matters regarding ethics and integrity.Her daily routine involved her interacting with patients,
Fiction and Literary Works Essay Example for Free
Fiction and Literary Works EssayWith that said, it is important to call up that all literary works can non always be easily classified into a single genre. Moreover, literary works which might be classified as belonging to one genre might experience many qualities more typical of other genres. For example, Shakespe atomic number 18s Macbeth is classified as drama, but in many respects takes the form of verse line. In other words, sometimes the differences between categories like drama, poetry, and the pathetic storey are not so easily defined. Often a short story might contain poetic or dramatic qualities, or a poem might include narrative and dramatic features. In your post, summarize the major similarities and differences between the forms of drama, poetry, and the short story. Demonstrate your ideas with textual examples from the course readings. In your response, include at least one example of each literary form. If you wish, you may as well point to examples which ind icate the blurring of literary genres (e.g., the poetic qualities of Macbeth or the dramatic elements of Gift of the Magi).There are so much to say when it comes to similarities with drama, poetry and a short story. Personally I see that all three have some imperceptible message for the audience whether it is lessons learn or an experience personal to the writer. In literary perspectives, like mentioned above, sometimes a poem or short story can merge with another genre such(prenominal) as drama. An example of a short story that can be drama is perhaps The Necklace because the story is about a lady who borrows and loses something her friend lent her and went through so much trouble to supervene upon it instead of coming clean with the friend.A drama is meant to have characters that perform and we see this is a short story known as Im Going where we see the characters clearly speaking and also we get narrative information to help the audience understand the plot and setting. Poetry is written in different formats or rhythms but can also tell a story but does not always have a plot. All have some sort of tone to set the earnestness or relax humor of the literary work. My Papas Waltz is a poem which tells a story of a father and son yet there are also dramatic features as the story is told.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Marijuana Persuasive Essay Example for Free
Marijuana Persuasive EssayDo you cerebrate the negative effects of hemp are more damaging than alcohol and tobacco? Personally, I rattling dont think the effects are any worse, and seeing as though alcohol and tobacco are healthy so should cannabis. Presently, it is contraband to consume, grow, and/or sell any amount of marijuana in the United States of America for any reason with the exception of fourteen states, which purposes it strictly for medicinal purposes. Yes, I said medicinal purpose. Crazy how an herb that is capable of helping to cure you can be illegal while another that kills over 3 million a year can be legal (Charltan, 2004). Marijuana is a hallucinogen that has been around for numerous years, initially used for recreational purposes. In upstart years, doctors have come to realize that it can actually help with diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers, multiple induration (MS), glaucoma, and more (Drug Free America Foundation, Inc.). The active ingredient in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, has been proven to prevent the amplification of rate Alzheimer plaques in patients (Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimers). It has been known to massage more efficiently than any other commercial drug presently being marketed, but many people still have qualms about the idea. They believe marijuana is just a drug that has unsuitable side effects, when in reality tobacco and alcohol have worse effects.In contrast to marijuana alcohol and tobacco are legal. Although there is an age limit to consume both, 21 and 18 respectively, the use is not prohibited. When it comes down to lasting effects on the body and organ damage tobacco does counsel more damage than marijuana. Tobacco causes emphysema, cavities, gum disease, and it is responsible for 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths ( rear Smoking, 2009). People are warned of the negative effects of tobacco on a daily basis, but even they smoke packs of cigarettes continuously, and you may wonder w hy this is so. I concluded that the reason why they smoke cigarettes is because theyre legal, point blank. If marijuana was legal I guarantee no one would ever smoke a cigarette again, and as a result, there would be less fibers of lung cancer, emphysema, and oral cancer altogether.In the case of what drugs should and should not be legal, this argument is very astonishing. Just how tobacco such a harmful herb, with besides any health benefits can be legal and available to everyone. The lasting effects are so harsh I cannot understand how people do not see my point of view. While tobacco causes cancer, marijuana helps cure it. For one to say that legalizing marijuana is a ridiculous idea, it would be like construction using a band-aid on a cut is pointless. It should be legalized and officially recognized as a medicine. All states, not only fourteen, should sign off on this topic. Marijuana is treatment for many diseases and it is what a band-aid is to a cut. Many people need it a nd are afraid to obtain it because of possible repercussions. That should no long-lived be an issue in this country.Works Cited.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of probable life lost, and economic costs United States, 19951999. 200251(14)300303. MMWR Morb Mort Wkly Rep. Accessed at www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5114a2.htm on September 17, 2009. Charlton, Ann. (2004). medicative use of tobacco in history. Retrieved from http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079499/ Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimers. (2006, October 10). Retrieved from http//www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15145917/storyContinued
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Employee Mentoring Essay Example for Free
Employee Mentoring EssayJankowicz (2005) mentions, that methodology is the process or climb up to undertake a explore or study. Prior to follow a methodology, it is essential to derive the seek philosophy, which according to Grinnell (1993 cited Kumar, 1999, p. 6) look into is a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to conclude problems and creates new knowledge that is generally applicable. When researching it could be apply to any situation, either for professional or personal purpose.In this case, the main purpose of doing research is to develop an investigation about real situations that whitethorn increase or change the knowledge of a particular management problem (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002). Therefore, the diverse research methods leave behind be discussed in this chapter, which among other strategies it involves collection and compend of the research data (Blaxter et al, 2001 Collis and Hussey, 2003).Research school of thoughtThe unde rstanding of philosophical positioning of research is useful in the way that helps researchers to clarify alternative designs and methods for a particular investigation and identify which ar more likely to work in practice (Ghauri et al, 1995). In this case, research philosophy is about the way the researcher perceives the development of the knowledge and the way the information female genitalia be acquire through different processes, besides it provides an ideology to carry out the research (Collis and Hussey, 2003 Saunders et al, 2003 Bryman, 2004).Therefore, at that place are two main views related to research philosophies positivism and phenomenological, which is also known as interpretivism attack (Denscombe, 2002 Collis and Hussey, 2003 Saunders et al, 2003 Jankowicz, 2005). Saunders et al. (2003) point out that the phenomenological approach proposes the discovery of subjective meanings in for example humans behavior in parade to understand and give interpretations to the ir actions and reactions to particular situations (Collis and Hussey, 2003 Saunders et al. , 2003).Nevertheless, it is outstanding to have in mind that one is non a better philosophy than the other. The philosophy depends on the research question that the researcher is desire to behave (Saunders et al, 2003, p. 85). From the above mentioned, the research philosophy of this study is based on the develop of skills and knowledge without aiming to generalized and seeking for the truth, but to pore on understanding of human behavior based on the descriptions and experiences of people in specific situations (Collis and Hussey, 2003 Saunders et al. 2003 Jankowicz, 2005).Hence, this research allow take an interpretivism philosophy, because the study is related with employee mentoring and attitudes towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The reference of social learning processes and characteristics of a good mentor may have a wide wreak on the above mentioned attitu des of employees, which is based on different meanings and interpretations that individuals could have on their own experiences. In addition, Collis and Hussey (2003, p. 7) state it is an approach which assumes that the social world is constantly changing, and the researcher and the research itself are part of this change.not only the social world is changing, but also the global business environment is and using an interpretivism approach provides flexibility to confront those changes. Whereas the positivistic approach is characterized by seeking law-like results that groundwork be generalized and thither is an objective truth that exist in the world and can be revealed through the scientific method, where the focus is on measuring relationships, systematically and statistically, between variables.Research Approach According to Saunders et al (2003), a research is conducted to analyze existing theories, or to establish new theories as a result of recent findings. This will depend on whether the approach is deductive or inductive. A deductive approach is where the researcher develops a scheme which will be tested, whereas an inductive approach is where the theory will be developed from the analysis of the data that is going to be collected.The nature of this research is not to find a specific theory but an explanation of an existing situation, for example, in todays global business environment. Therefore, this research will place the inductive approach which is closely related with the interpretivism philosophy due to its characteristic of not assuming results that are inferred from general conjectures, but developing an explanation from the data collected where general conjectures are bring forth from specific cases (Jankowikz, 2000 Collis and Hussey, 2003 Saunders et al. , 2003).Research PurposeAn important part of a research and mainly seeing it from the persuasion of its objectives, is to identify the purpose of it, which according to some authors can be classified as exploratory, descriptive, informative and prophetical (Kumar, 1999 Saunders et al. , 2000 Collis and Hussey, 2003). Whereas, the exploratory study is carried out to explore areas, identify variable and look for hypothesis instead of electropositive hypothesis, the predictive study forecasts the result of an event and anticipate the outcomes of that event which is under study.On the other hand, an explanatory (analytical) study focuses on studying a situation or a problem in order to discover and measure the relationship between variables, while a descriptive study identifies, describes and provides information of a particular issue (Kumar, 1999 Saunders et al. , 2000 Collis and Hussey, 2003). Therefore, the purpose of this research, taking into account its objectives is exploratory due to the fact that it tries to examine the daze of employee mentoring on their attitudes towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment.The role of social learning processe s is also very important in the relationship between mentoring and job attitudes. The qualities of a mentor also play a great role in this relationship. Hence, it would lead to find strategic recommendations for the organization involve in this investigation. Data assembling To answer the research question and achieve the objectives of the research there is the need to collect data, (Saunders et al. , 2000). There are two main data resources, secondary and primary data.Secondary data is the one that already exists from forward investigations and it can be found in books, journals and films (Saunders at al, 2003). Primary data is the one that is recollected from the research and it can be obtained by using methods such as questionnaires, interviews, focus group, and other (Collis and Hussey, 2003). Saunders et al. (2003) points out that literature recapitulation helps to develop an understanding and insight into relevant previous research.Collis and Hussey (2003), add to Saunderss point of view reflexion that exploring the existing literature will help to have a better overview on previous research that has been conducted and its impact on the studied research problem. In addition, Saunders et al (2003) classify the secondary data into common chord types documentary, survey-based and multi-source. For this investigation, it will be useful the documentary secondary data because written documents such as articles taken from the Internet, journals, books among others, could be relevant information to be used.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Utilitarianism and Greatest Happiness Essay Example for Free
Utilitarianism and Greatest merriment EssayUtilitarianism begins with the work of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), an English political and social reformer. Educated at Oxford, Bentham eventually headed up a small group of thinkers called the Philosophical Radicals. This group, which included James swot (father of sewer Stuart loiter, to a greater extent(prenominal) on him later), was dedicated to social reform and the promulgation of Benthams ideas. Bentham based utilitarian ethics on the so-called great triumph commandment, an idea originally enunciated by Frances Hutcheson (16941746), one of the founders of the Scottish Enlightenment. Put simply, Bentham believed that the goal of ethics was to fire the superior gaiety of the greatest number. Interestingly enough, Bentham went on to say that happiness consists in experiencing more joys than smarts. That is, Bentham connects the eudaimonia of the greatest number to a hedonistic view that values pleasure over pain. H e checkly constructed what he termed a hedonistic calculus as an objective measure of the value of various pleasures or pains in terms of such categories as intensity, duration, certainty, proximity, productiveness, purity, and extent. Using such quantitative measures, Bentham felt he could calculate the happiness f flakeor of various proposed courses of comportion. The action promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number in a particular situation would be morally best. Notice two things about Benthams approach. First, inexplicit in his argument is the belief that the only way to measure the moral worth of an action is to pass judgment its consequences Will it unveil the greatest happiness for the greatest number or non? Whatever does produce the greatest happiness in a particular situation, Bentham claims, will be morally correct.Second, the contrast to Kant could not be more clear. For Kant, the moral worth of an action lies strictly in the motive for taking the action, neer its consequences. Only a genuine will, properly apprehending its duty through use of the categorical imperative and so acting to fulfill that duty, is capable of performing a morally good action. Bentham himself was an ardent political reformer, present tenaciously for a number of, what were for the day, radical views, including equality for women, prison reform, decriminalization of homosexuality, and animal rights.The more philosophic capturement of his ethical ideas fell to his followers, particularly James Mill and, later, Mills son John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). The younger Mill, aggressively educated by his father from ages three to fourteen, grew to be one of the 2 great thinkers of the nineteenth century. In the process, John Stuart Mill considerably refined Benthams utilitarianism. Writing in his 1861 essay Utilitarianism, Mill modifies Benthams view of pleasure and pain. Bentham had sought to distinguish pleasures and pains quantitatively (e. g., more or less intense, more or less in duration, more or less in extent, etc. ).Mill, by contrast, sought to include qualitative features, arguing, for instance, that the experience an intellectual or aesthetic pleasure ( ilk reading a good book) might be more pleasurable than the physical pleasure of something like a good meal. Mill another(prenominal)wise seeks to defend Benthams basic ideas. In doing so, Mill tries to soundness a conflict in Benthams thought. This conflict arises because of a difference surrounded by Benthams narrative of (1) hedonism for the individualistic and (2) hedonism as an ethical opening.An individual acts, Bentham says, solely out of a desire for happiness (i. e. , more pleasures than pains). This account could be termed descriptive in that it claims to explain why a person acts. But according to hedonism as an ethical theory, however, the individual should seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number. This view is not descriptive, barely prescript ive because it tells what the individual should do. This conflict leads to two problems. The first is obvious if each individual is motivated to act to attain personal happiness, then why would that person have any concern to promote the benefit of others?The second is more theoretical How to get from a descriptive theory of how individuals act to a normative theory of why individuals should all seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number. To solve the first problem, Mill introduces the idea of external and internal sanctions. These sanctions serve for Mill as the bridge between the world of the individual and the larger social universal of which we are all a part. External sanctions, for example, are social rules and laws that recognize or punish persons for particular actions.Individuals view these sanctions in terms of their potential for pleasure or pain and adjust their future behavior accordingly. Mills view of internal sanctions is different. T here(predicate), he s ounds a procedure like Hume, arguing that obeying a moral law produces a tone of voice of pleasure (and disobeying such a law produces a feeling of pain). Such feelings can, in turn, be can be observed to develop (in some people, at least) into a deep sympathy for others, thus illustrating the operation of the greatest happiness ruler from within such persons.For such persons, their own happiness whitethorn truly depend on the happiness of others, which seems 3 to show that the individual desire for happiness can be reconciled with the theoretical quest that individuals act for the welfare of all. Why such connection might occur in some individuals kind of than in others remains a question. At this point, contrasting Mill with Hume is instructive. Mill argues that, as can be observed, individuals develop a sense of pleasure or pain associated with obeying or disobeying moral laws and that, at least for some, those pleasures and pains become the basis for a sympathetic connectio n with others.Hume argues that such sympathetic connection is natural. By growing up in a human confederacy, we intuitively learn to associate a feeling of moral pleasure with some acts and moral pain with others. Thus, for Hume, sentiment (or the particular feelings associated with moral or shocking acts) is a normal part of human development whereas, for Mill, internal sanctionsand the role of the greatest happiness principlecan be observed in peoples behavior, that a general theory of why people do this is lacking.Another place where a general theory is lacking is in the second problem described above How to get from a descriptive theory of how individuals act to a normative theory of why individuals should all seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Mill argues here that there is no way to prove such a first principle as the greatest happiness principle. Indeed, he says, No reason can be given why the general happiness is desirable except that each person, so fa r as he believes it to be attainable, desires his own happiness. Since Mills time, utilitarianism has been widely debated, and an interesting distinction has emerged between Bentham and Mills theories. For Bentham, what makes an action right depends upon whether it contributes to the greatest happiness of the greatest number. That is, Bentham focuses on the happiness-producing potential of each individual action. We can call this act-utilitarianism. Mill, to some extent, seems to subscribe to this view, but he also at points takes a position we might call rule-utilitarianism.From this viewpoint, the morality of an action does not depend on whether it actually produces the greatest happiness rather, what counts is whether the rule that the action exemplifies in fact satisfies the lease for the greatest happiness of the greatest number. These two forms of utilitarianism continue to be debated by ethicists today. To illustrate the distinction between these two forms of utilitarianism, consider the following case. Suppose that a person unknowingly carried a deadly, highly genetic disease.An act-utilitarian might argue that we would be justified in killing such an individual to protect society from the disease (and thereby promote the greatest 4 happiness of the greatest number). A rule-utilitarian, on the other hand, might point out that the rule or principle involved in such an act (that we might kill someone when we found it in the best interest of the greatest number) should be spurned because it was, in fact, a dangerous rule and could ultimately lead to diminishing the greatest happiness of all. (Incidentally, you may have noticed that the rule-utilitarians position is reminiscent of Kant. )In conclusion, the utilitarian viewpoint championed by Bentham and refined by John Stuart Mill has come to be one of the two major schools of ethical thought among academic philosophers in the United States and elsewhere. Its major competition, of course, comes from Kan ts deontological ethics. It is worth mentioning as well that utilitarianism has also had a effective impact outside ethical circles. Remember that Bentham himself was primarily a liberal political reformer, so it is capable that politics and public policy are also areas in which reasoning about the greatest good for the greatest number continues to widely practiced.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Virtue Theory Essay Example for Free
Virtue Theory EssayAristotle analyse and explained a wide range of subjects ranging from science to politics and is widely recognized as one of the superlative philosophers of each(prenominal) time. One of his most important contributions to the study of humanities is his exploration and definition of honourable rectitude. In his book, The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle explains assorted views nearly the nature of life in order to brook the contributor to find what the primary(prenominal) function of life is and how to successfully perform that function. For example, Aristotle states in his first book, in artificeicle one, every art and every investigation, and similarly every action and pursuit is considered to aim at or so good. Hence, Aristotle defines the good as that which all things should aim. However, what separates earth from other things is the fact that humans seek the good in order to chance upon eudemonia, or happiness. In order to achieve this result, a human must function well, and would therefore be playacting with rational activity.So, if a person performs the function of rational activity well, they soak up acted with honourable moderatenessing, acting chastely to achieve eudemonia. In summary, Aristotle believes the good, or virtue, is in a humans self-interest because of the results it produces. However, I strongly believe that, to classical philosophers, achieving virtue was a broader concept that its sophisticated con nonation suggests.It is comm notwithstanding cognize that trusted theories can be considered obsolete over time if not restated in a new-fangled day context, because as society advances, there is a necessity for theories and ideas to accommodate and make room for much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) changes in order to maintain their relevance So, in order to adapt Aristotles speculation of the good, withal known as Aristotles virtue conjecture, into ultra newfangled day life, differe nt theorists and philosophers became interested in reevaluating the opening and adding to it in order to achieve a successful and newer theory for humans to consider.I want to argue the most popular theories recreated from Aristotles virtue theory to prove that there is, in fact, a pauperization to modernize and restate his original concept, there is not a need to disregard it or advantageously add to it. I believe that his theory must simply be presented done a modern outlook to be used as a guideline as to how humans should act or else of a set group of rules that could possible contradict each other. There are many different theories to consider when nerve-racking to find the best adaptation of Aristotles virtue theory, they range from additionary views to non-supplementary and non-criterialists.For example, Supplementalists such as James Rachels believe in supplementing Aristotles theory of the good with an independent theory of sort out action. Whereas, non-Supplement alists can be further split into criterialists such as Rosalind Hursthouse, who believes that happiness can be objective, and non-criterialists such as Julia Annas, who believes that virtue theory does not need any criteria of right action because a sincerely virtuous person would never get into a situation where a criteria of right action would be needed.These theories differ on core principles and methods of adaptation, some even disagree with parts of Aristotles theory however, they all have some form of agreement with respect to Aristotles theory of the good and can be used to enhance it for its adaptation into modern day context. After my evaluations of each philosophers view points, I have found the most unimaginative and least contradicting theory in Julia Annas essay, be Virtuous and Doing the right-hand(a) Thing. Her essay delves into not only the original concept of Aristotles virtue theory, but withal handlees the consequences of changeless by those guidelines in modern day.Her theory allows Aristotles theory to remain intact, however she refreshes it to the modern connotation it needed to be more commonly accepted by todays society. However, when looking at the other popular views, James Rachels provides a detailed argument vouching for his supplementalist view point on the theory of the good in his essay The Ethics of Virtue. In his opinion, Aristotles theory shows an excellent motivation for lesson action and gives us a better perspective of our decisions by enabling a different method of weighing our action.Yet, he also states that through Aristotles theory alone, there would be no reason for individuals to think that characteristics are virtues rather than vices. For example, courage could be a vice because there is no priming coat for asserting that courage is a virtue. Second, he adds it is difficult to see how unsupplemented virtue theory could handle cases of moral infringe (Rachels 2). For example, honesty can conflict with ki ndness if a certain circumstance presents itself.According to Rachels, a purely virtue-based morality must al representations be incomplete, since it could not by itself explain why certain character traits are not morally good and therefore, humans could never decipher if they are genuinely acting virtuously and experiencing eudemonia. In order to make such a distinction between what is and is not morally good, he concludes that a combined approach, supplementing Aristotles theory with an independent theory of right action, such as Kantianism or Utilitarianism, will allow for an adequate moral philosophy in modern day.However, there can be problems with supplementation because moral theories, such as Kantianism for example, suffer from the same problem of deciphering the conflict of virtues. Rachels evaluates a list of virtues such as benevolence, civility, fairness, justice and so on, describing them as traits of character that should be fostered in human beings. By doing so, he conveys to the commentator the need for an independent theory of right action such as Kantianism to help distinguish whether or not it is a virtue or vice. However, he does not go into detail of the problems such independent theories of right action can run into.Say Rachels wants to supplement the virtue theory with kantianism, and a person posses the virtue of honesty, however, if that person were to be conflicted by Nazis asking where unavowed refugees are, that person would have to tell the truth because that is what the categorical imperative deems. Therefore, supplementing the virtue theory proves unnecessary and contradicting when trying to maintain using the virtue theory in modern day. Next, I chose to compare a theory opposing the supplementalist view such as the non-supplementalist view that Rosalind Hursthouse agrees with in her essay Virtue Theory and Abortion. However, she also adds a criterialist view point in that an action is right, if and only if, it is what the v irtuous agent would do in the circumstance (Hursthouse 225). In her paper, she primarily uses the example of abortion to demonstrate her criticism of the virtue theory and discuss what is needed to be applied to the theory for it to promote the correct virtuous answer in modern circumstances. She states that virtue theory cant get us anywhere in touchable moral issues because its bound to be all assertion and no argument.(Hursthouse 226), therefore, she addresses the need for clear, virtuous guidance about what ought and ought not to be done when a person is stuck in a conflicting decision of virtues. In her example of a womans decision of whether or not to have an abortion, she emphasizes the necessity of that guidance. However, in the evaluation of Hursthouses paper, she states nine separate criticisms of virtue theory, demonstrating what she believes to be an inadequate grasp either of the construction of virtue theory or what would be involved in thinking about a real moral is sue in its terms.She clearly makes the point that Aristotles theory of the good does not allow for a blatant answer in circumstances in which a person could either only do wrong or face the decision of acting for the good of human kind or for their own self interest. But, what she does not grasp is the simple fact that a virtuous person would never be in such situations to begin with, as Julia Annas later states. Hursthouses example of abortion becomes disable with the realization that a virtuous person would not have irresponsible sex to land herself in a situation of whether or not to have an abortion.She mostly disagrees with Aristotles overall concept therefore, her need to recreate it in a more understandable method is diluted and consumed by her overall aim of asserting the need of a virtuous guidance for those stuck in unvirtuous situations. Julia Annas further addresses the contradictions Hursthouse makes in her essay Being Virtuous and Doing the right(a) Things, in that she does not follow the criterialist belief that Hursthouse believes is necessary to make the virtuous decision.As stated before, she uses the main contradiction that the circumstances where there is no right answer a virtuous person wouldnt be in to begin with. Also, she believes that we are not blank slates we already have a firm views about right and wrong ways to act, worthy and unworthy ways to be (Annas 66), and we become knowledgeable of what is right and wrong through a developmental process, not through some technical method of deciphering right from wrong. She believes that you become good at being virtuous the same way you become good in everything else, for example, in order be good at playing the piano, you must practice.Her statements help relate Aristotles virtue theory to those confused about how to apply it in perfunctory life. She is providing the excuse of instinct and development for the vagueness of his original theory in order to make it more practical and ach ievable for those wanting to act with virtue. Overall, Annas proves her view deliberately and assertively throughout her paper. It becomes apparent that becoming a virtuous person requires a developmental process much like other activities in life.Also, through defying other theories, such as Hursthouses, she shows how uncomplicated making a virtuous decision can be, instead of making such a decision seem unachievable and complicated in modern context. I agree with her statement that it is wrong to force our everyday moral thoughts into a system of one-size-fits all kind, virtue ethics tells us to look elsewhere at what happens when we try to become a builder or pianist (Annas 73), because I believe that is how I came to learn what was morally good, and how I am still acquire what is right or wrong in todays society.She revives Aristotles virtue theory for modern day by allowing its original vagueness to remain intact and not trying to rewrite the theorys initial context, while at the same time describing it as more of a guideline for humans to live by and a way to improve practical judgment in everyday life. In conclusion, Annas non-supplementalist, non-criterialist outlook on Aristotles virtue theory provokes thought and consideration, but also relates to a indorser, because if looked at closely, the virtuous developmental process can be easily recognizable in any readers childhood.Also, her analytical methods of revealing the problems in other theories help the reader to comprehend her theory easier. Annas leaves the reader stating When it comes to working to find the right thing to do, we cannot shift the work to a theory, because we, unlike theories, are unceasingly learning, and so we are always learning and aspiring to do better (Annas 74). Overall, Annas provides the best adaptation to Aristotles theory of the good and provides a positive outlook on the methods of becoming virtuous without constraining the reader to believe that there is exact and deliberate steps a human must make in order to gain eudemonia.Her revision allows Aristotles concept to live on into modern day, and thus provides a well-rounded and current guideline to the betterment of todays society. Works Cited Annas, Julia. Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (2004) 61-75. Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics. 325 B. C. Hursthouse, Rosalind. Virtue Theory and Abortion. Philosophy and Public Affairs 20. 3 (1991) 223-246. Rachel, James. The Ethics of Virtue. 1996. Norman R. Shultz. November 2010 http//www. normanrschultz. org/Courses/Ethics/Rachels_virtueethics. pdf.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Genetically modified organism Essay Example for Free
Genetically circumscribed organism EssayIn 1994, the first genetically change pabulum was tested and sold forth into the market. Since then, over 35 countries and establishments from all around the world ask started producing genetically modify pabulums. Genetically modified foods should be permitted because of its health benefits and advantages to the economy. Genetically modified foods, also known as engineered foods and biotech foods, are foods whose deoxyribonucleic acid has been modified in ways that do not naturally occur.Scientists tweak the DNA of the food by collaborating it with genes from a different organism, which gives the manufacturer all control over the plants genetic structure. Most of the genetically modified foods are from plants much(prenominal) as potatoes, corn, rice and even salmon. Animal feed, is also made up of crops such as soybeans, which are almost all genetically modified, meaning the food we eat from animals such as cows and chickens, ar e all being fed genetically modified foods, which then passes down to the shopping mall they produce. at that place are a variety of reasons to why people have started genetically modifying food.To begin, it can call down the taste of food it increases the nutrients and also prevents pesticides and diseases. It is also a beneficial factor for the producers and the consumers as they can two save money since genetically modified foods are cheaper and most importantly since they demise longer, making this an economical benefit. Although all the benefits it provides, a lot of harm comes with it. The way GM foods are engineered, is by taking a gene out of one organism and placing it into another, which disturbs the plants natural DNA. This factor kills off normal cells and provides the plant with the chemicals that scientist have injected into the plants for them to be able to last longer.Lastly, this action introduces allergens and toxins to food. The only ones to benefit from GM foods are multinational biotech companies and GM food consumers. To begin, it is economically beneficial for biotech companies because they are able to grow more crops that would last longer than a naturally grown crop. An example of this would be a potato.A naturally grown potato could last up to 3 weeks without being destroyed, in comparison to the genetically modified potato, which could last up to 7 weeks without being destroyed. Meaning this could benefit both the producers and the consumers because the fruits and vegetables that are being modified have longer shelf lives making the consumer save money and benefit from the bought products.Following its long life ability, genetically modified foods repair the availability of food for the world. As it lasts longer and cost cheaper than organic products, it improves the availability of food for the world by only producing so much at a time. Instead of producing 5 organic potatoes that will bust off in 3 weeks, genetically modif ied potatoes are grown and will last 7 weeks, making us save potato seeds, which save more food for later increasing the worlds food supply. As GM foods are increasing the worlds food supply, they also provide an redundant amount of nutrients chemically made.Genetically modified foods are modified to have more nutrients in it than the sure food would have. Golden Rice, for example, is claimed to be fortified with vitamin A, which is an essential vitamin for the human body, which is provided by GM Golden Rice. There have been a great number of studies tracking the effects of GMOs on animals. Overwhelmingly, these studies indicate that GMOs are expert to consume.Impact on landed estate, GMOs allows plants to be modified to grow in environments that would be normally inhospitable. Cheaper food means, easier farming means more food, which, in turn, means less expensive food. This is not only beneficial for the sightly consumer, but it can have global implications less expensive foo d makes it easier to feed hungry populations around the world. Increased nutritional valuate GMOs can be modified to have greater nutritional value than the organism would have naturally. For example, scientists, hoping to eliminate the need for post-harvest processing, have genetically modified rice to contain significantly higher amounts of vitamin A.This golden rice is not yet legal in most countries, but experts acquit it to be within the next few years. All the Yes points 1. Genetically modified foods fill original food with chemicals. 2. Genetically Modified Food can cause cancer. 3. Genetically modified foods greatly affect our semipermanent health and well-being. 4. Genetically Modified foods All the No points Genetically modified foods can help pass the food crisis.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Low life expectancy Essay Example for Free
Low life expectancy Es tellTodays homo is all about speed. all single process is studied and programmed to be as quick as possible, with optimal efficiency. We are soon witnessing a fundamental transformation of the society that we brush aside qualify as a robotisation, essentially in the developped countries. That could be beneficial for some countries, in some fields, for some pack. But we all should be certified that there are humans that cannot fol pocket-size this step. In fact, this young process is involving a wider gap betwixt developped countries and the least developped countries concerning life expectancy. Life expectancy is an average number of year given to a individual at his birth depending on the arena he was born in, and it is a factor defining the health of a inelegant. Diseases, war, famine, death rates in one hand, national economic prosperity, standard education and performant health bearing in the other hand, there are many factors affecting the life expectancy in to each one country, making it better or worse. People tend to have. a longer. life in western countries same(p) Israel where the average expectancy life is 81 years old, instead of Zimbabwe, where the average expectancy life is 52 years old (CIA, 2012).This shew depart assess two solutions to beginning life expectancy in the developping earthly concern. First, the. promotion and improvement of the health care system and infrastructure, then the development of appropriate education programs to send word and educate the population of those third world countries. The countries where life expectancy is very low are country where death rates are very gritty. These death rates are caused by further facts as war, diseases, pandemics and outbreaks so we can notice that healthcare system and infrastructure are very important to throw the population in a good shape.The difference between evelopped and developping countries concerning this matter has al ports been the economical issues. Developping countries, in order to improve their situation, must establish plans Wich will structure an efficient government budget, however because of their low or very low GDP, this budget could be extremely tight regarding. healthcare and infrastructures dedicated to that matter. For example in UK, the budget dedicated to healthcare represents eleven percent of the GDP, whereas Angola uses only 2% of public phthisis (WHO,2005).Due to such a low budget dedicated to healthcare, developping countries are not able to fork up efficient reatments and qualified checkup staff to their citizens. The only solution to that issue for developping coutries is to increase their health care budget and place the ministry of health upper in their priorities. Increasing the tax rates on high income people would raise the budget and slightly rise the budget by 2% in the crying(a) Domestic Product. Government should aso work on the drug prices and user fees to make it mo re affordable , and verify the parallel market to prevent fiscal losses.A reasonnable and efficient use ot ressources should imply an equilibrium in the third world economies and make them refill their budget. That would make the coutry eligible for a financial help from the world bank, the african development Bank or the IMF. Construction of new hospitals and purchases of drugs would then be possible perspectives. Moreover, the governments should counseling on supportive private health care and introduction ofa health insurance that would help people keep their money and still get efficient treatments.Improving healthcare all over the world and especially in the developping coutries is actually one of the most relevant issues of the 21 rst century. The second part of the essay focuses on the educational kind of treatment that eople in the developping coutries should get in order to educate them to the new technologies that they will be facing, the new facilities that tey will be using. Education will also allow the medical checkup staff to supply the knowledge and services that people are expecting.On top of that, education will improve peoples situation, working in better places and not being in contact with diseases and bacterias. They will derive more money and that is improving the situation of the country as well, by increasing the GDP. We can say that ducation is at the begining of the chain that will bring a country to prosperity. In order to improve the medical treatments quality, the ministry of education should organize training programs and. seminars for the. medical body (WHO, 2000).In a close collaboration with the ministry of Health and some associations, the Ministry of education should promote hygenie among primary schools, high schools, universities and other educational institutions through presentations, or conferences with medical bodies or even advertisement. The local associations should be also supported and prevention should happen mor often. Give cleanse a chance (wash hands, 2012) is a slogan used by NHS in the I-JK, a world eading country in terms of health.Awareness of young people associated with scientific knowledge and prevention actions would be a great sanitary improve and could lead toa rie in the life expectancy rise. According to the previous sayings, we can say that life expectancy could be well improved by working on how to annihilate the budget to improve the sanitary system, and improving the educational system that will in a way rise the awareness of people concerning health care and science. Even if we focused on two aspects of low life expectancy solutions, we should mention that famine, war and natural disasters are lso issues that governments should work on.http//www.afro.who.int/en/clusters-a-programmes.htmlhttps//www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/rankorderguide.htmlhttp//www.who.int/whr/2000/media_centre/press_release/en/http//www.who.int/hac/crises/ago/ba ckground/Angola_Dec05.pdfhttp//www.who.int/topics/health_policy/en/
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The Big Bang Theory Essay Example for Free
The vauntingly contend Theory EssayThe beginning of the instauration is explained in the bounteous slam dance surmise. It is turn up beyond motion that our initiation had a beginning and that its origin was as a singularity about 13 gazillion days ago. This singularity was infinitely sweltry, sm either pull round(predicate) and dense. It had underg integrity a series of changes, which includes expansion and cooling to become the award recoil of introduction. This speculation is called the big bang supposition. According to this speculation the process of cooling and expansion is tranquillise go along. in that location argon several evidences as sanitaryhead as arguments supporting this possible action as well as opposing it.The main intention of the gravel paper is to analyze these arguments in search of its validity. record of this theory, its religious interpretations as well as the touts of the universe gibe to this theory also will be discusse d in this paper. The big bang theory was proposed by scientist and Roman Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre and his called his theory as hypothesis of the primeval atom (Hubble, 1929). The framework for this model was based on the Albert learning abilitys theory of relativity. close to of the astronomers today believe in this theory mainly because of the red shift that was observed in the near by galaxies.Scientists believe that the universe is still expending because of the presence of dark energy (Big bang Theory, 2009). There are several features of the universe which support big bang theory. The abundance of light elements much(prenominal) as hydrogen and atomic number 2 and less occurrence of the heavy elements or heavy metals in universe is actually in support of this theory. This is because it is proved beyond doubt that at such a mellowed temperature that persisted at the judgment of conviction of origin of the universe, the elements of mass numbers more than 5 and thei r isotopes would absorb been unstable.This might have resulted in the formation of more light elements at that time. Presence of more matter than antimatter is another feature that supports the theory. Even now the scientists are not able to find a reason for this phenomenon. However, many scientists submit the asymmetry in the decay of some mesons as the reason for this phenomenon. other feature of the universe is that it is constitute of several galaxies and these are separated by cosmic voids.The presence of a radiation in all directions which is quite even or uniform throughout is another factor that supports the theory which explains the origin of universe from a fire ball ( Big bang theory, 2009) One of the argument against big bang theory is that universe had its origin as an explosion. However harmonise to experts it is better to imagine universe as a balloon with an infinitely small size and continuously increasing its size so as to impart the current size. It would b e difficult to imagine the universe as a balloon bursting and throwing off its contents.Another argument against this theory is that it universe e originated as a fireball in space. But according to the Einsteins theory of relativity there could not be anything, space or time or matter or energy before the origin of universe. Thus this argument also has been proved to be baseless (Big Bang Theory An Overview, 2009). There are many arguments or evidences that support this theory. Most of the concourse believe that universe had an origin. Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving away from us at speeds, which are directly proportional to the distance from us.This provides evidence for the expansion of the universe, which was originally very small. The discovery of Cosmic atomise Background Radiation (CMB) by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965 provided evidence that universe was initially very very hot as it is explained according to the big bang theory. Another important evidence is the profusion of hydrogen and helium in the observable universe. This also supports the big bang origin of universe. According to the recent research by NASA and ESA, the universe had its origin from the remnants of a universe, which existed previously.This is called loop quantum gravity theory (Zyga, 2008). This theory also supports the origin of the render universe as a singularity as in big bang theory. Still the arguments regarding the models to explain the origin of universe is continuing between great scientists. But one thing that has to be remembered is that any(prenominal) might be the arguments, there would always be a philosophical criterion involved and so these arguments are never going to end (Gibbs, 1995). Therefore as long as no one is certain about anything that happened at that time, the arguments would continue.An important factor that has to be considered in the big bang theory is its religious interpretations. Origin of humankind is an area where science and theology places opposite views. According to Islam, Allah is the creator and Evolver of every thing in this universe. Of course the development of the universe to the present stage is something that is super natural and then there is nothing wrong in believing that there is a super natural puff behind all these evolution and that supernatural force is God. The theologians as well as majority of people believe that it is not possible to evolve something from nothingness.Estes (2009) has put it in a contrary manner. According to him this story of origin of universe is as absurd as believing that when there was an explosion in a place all the metal pieces joined in the air to form a car. He promote explains that it cannot be believed that the different parts of the oldest computer one day exploded and then joined to form the most advanced computer now. This development took place as a result of long years of research by human beings. In the comparable way the develop ment of universe to the present form, essential the intelligence of someone who is super natural and that is God himself.When we look at the stars, sun, moon and the galaxy as a whole, we see that they are all moving with accurate speed and timings in such a way that they do not collide each other. The earth is having the exact requirements for the life of man on it. All the requirements of the man are met through the other organisms as well as physical and chemical substance properties of the earth. It is very difficult to explain all these facts based on big bang theory (Estes, 2009). There is another school of thought in the Islam itself in support of the big bang theory (Huda, 2009).The stem of singularity is present in the Quran also, where it is said that heaven and earth existed as a star unit originally. According to the big bang theory, the elements, which constituted the universe, had come together, cooled down and finally formed into the present shape. This is what exa ctly said in Quran, the all difference is that it was Allah who gave commands to these elements to behave in the way it had behaved. Come together, willingly or unwillingly. They said We come (together) in willing obedience (4111). The concept that Universe is expanding is also there in Quran.The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it (5147). The fact that the universe is continuing to get expanded has been discovered only recently and it was the answer to the long debates by Muslim scholars on the exact meaning of this verse in the Quran. An argument in Islam against the big bang theory is that in Quran it is written that the creation of the universe was completed in six days. But in Quran itself it is written that one day of Allah could be 50,000 years for man. In another place it is written as 1000 years.Thus the day could be regarded as an era with a fixed length of time. And six days could be six such eras, the length of which no body knows. T hus in this way also Quran is not contradicting the big band theory, which suggests that the origin was 13 billion years ago, and since then the formation of different organisms as well as the shape of the universe were gradual (Huda, 2009). Another aspect where Quran supports big band theory is that the process of evolution or the creation as Islam takes it, is never ending. It is clearly mentioned in Quran that Allah is continuing his creation.This is what we see everyday, as a new child or as a new launch which is quite different from both parents (Huda, 2009). Considering all these facts the Muslims of the modern world believe that big bang theory is genuine and that the universe is ever changing. The only difference is that they believe that all these are happening according to the command of Allah and that everything that happens in the universe reveals the super natural power and majesty of Allah. It is stated that the creations are to be viewed upon, as tremendous power of Allah and His name has to be glorified.Thus it could be seen that the Big Bang theory of the origin of Universe is the most widely accepted theory of cosmic origin. It is based on the Einsteins theory of relativity. There are several features that the universe exhibits which supports this theory. Most of the arguments against this theory by different scientists have already proved to be baseless. More and more discoveries have been made in the last and present century, which supports this theory. Regarding the religious interpretation of this theory, in Islam, the origin of universe and earth and everything on it is explained in the same manner as the big bang theory.Only difference is that, in Quran it is explained to have happened as per the command of God. It is quite logical to believe that there is a super natural power that is rule all these happenings in the way it is happening so that we could exist happily and peacefully on this earth. References Big Bang Theory An Overvi ew (2009). online operational at http//www. big-bang-theory. com/default. htm (accessed on 11th June 2009) Big Bang Theory (2009). online Available at http//www. answers. com/topic/big-bang-theory (accessed on 11th June 2009) Estes, Y.. (2009). Big bang. online Available at http//scienceislam.com/bigbang. php (accessed on 11th June 2009) Gibbs, W. W. (1995). scientific American, October 1995, 273 55. Hubble, E. (1929). A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 15 168173. Huda (2009). Creation of the Universe Six Days or Long Periods of Time online Available at http//islam. about. com/od/creation/a/creation. htm (accessed on 11th June 2009) Zyga, L. (2008). Before the Big Bang A Twin Universe? online Available at http//www. physorg. com/news126955971. html (accessed on 11th June 2009)
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Special Education Reflection Essay Example for Free
Special Education Reflection EssaySpecial Education 332 (Education and inclusion of Individuals with Special Needs) has been enlightening for me as a secondary mathematics educator. In the beginning of the semester, my feelings towards exceptional gentility were those of apathy and in sensibility. I now study that my feelings were due to my lack of knowledge and my judgment based on stereotypes. I always knew that making fun of students with attainment disabilities was wrong. However, I never felt that inclusion of e finical(a) cultivation students in normal cultivation programmees was plausible or made sense. I felt that special(prenominal) education students belonged in their own classrooms and that is why we fork out special education educators. As a potential secondary mathematics educator, I felt that it was unfair that I would deem special education students in my classes. I would rationalize my attitude by saying that I signed up to teach usual students, and t hat the special education students were non my problem or responsibility. I did not want to deal with them. I did not chance on them as individuals who seek meaning through learning.As a constructivist, my goal as an educator is to provide students with meaning by imparting knowledge. As I reflect on my feelings towards special education students, I ask myself why do I not see them in the similar way. If they atomic number 18 students as well, why do I discriminate against them? Why is it, when I think more or less teaching students with learning disabilities, I fall uncomfort subject? It is due to my lack of knowledge of students with learning disabilities. It was not until I saw the movie (before our class) I Am Sam, my thoughts about volume with learning disabilities started to change.The movie changed my learning that mentally challenged individuals are strange by nature because they do not seem to understand when people talk to them and is different from myself. The mov ie showed me that they do comprehend information, affirm feelings as I do, and most importantly, that I have wrongly stereotyped their differences. This course not hardly gave me the knowledge I needed to understand students with learning disabilities, I was also competent to empathize with these students through active participation in the sensitivity activities.Participating in the activities during our class was eye opening I was able to have a relish of what it was like for people with learning disabilities. I always believed that there was something wrong with people with learning disabilities, and frankincense classified them as abnormal. The activities made me realize that with their learning disability aside, they were no different from me. People with learning disabilities had their strengths and weaknesses, and I had mine. The activities, without fail, made me frustrated.I wanted to lash out at the world, and I always wondered why students with learning disabilities ha d emotional problems. I came to realize that people with learning disabilities live with their disabilities for the rest of their lives. That these sensitivity activities were whole temporary for us, but it was reality for those dealing with the disabilities. This is what changed me the most, realizing this simple truth. Throughout my years at Lehigh, I have proclaimed that I have a passion to teach, to show students that mathematics is not difficult, and that they are able to understand mathematics.However, when it came to special education students, my philosophy changed, due to their learning disability. I was ignorant to the special education question of inclusion, because I feared the idea of teaching students who were not normal. I use the word normal in quotations because I now realize that special education students are like anybody else, and that we, special and general education students alike, are all normal. There is nothing wrong with special education students. Speci al education students are individuals who desire to learn.My feelings towards special education students have also changed through my counseling psychology class. In the class I learned that every student, whether they are homosexuals, rape victims, Jewish, Christian, or special education students, are students. each student should not be discriminated because of who they are rather they should be treated as children who need to learn. I was annoyed to find out that students, who had special needs, were included in classes where teachers were not trained or better and therefore did not know how to instruct these students.I strongly believe that the special education movement of inclusion will succeed only if general education educators become aware of what it means to have learning disabilities and understand the concept of public design. One of the greatest tools that this class has portion outn me is universal design. world-wide design for learning is a process for considerin g the needs of all students in the classroom and designing curriculum, instruction, and military rank with sufficient flexibility so that each student benefits (Turnbull, Turnbull, Shank, and Smith, 2004).I will not be able to teach my general education class with special education students in it, by using universal design to teach everyone. I believe that this tool is the most powerful one that will advancement the inclusion of special education students in general education classrooms movement. Fortunately, I was placed in a classroom (for my pre-intern teaching experience) where there was a student who had learning disabilities, and was included in a general education classroom. I was able to experience having a special education student in a general education classroom.Through this experience, I was able to get to know the student, and saw that he was an amazing kid. I liked him so much because despite his IEPs, he impressed me with his determination to learn and get good gra des. He was a special education student who sought meaning through learning. My transmutation became most apparent to me in writing my advocacy letter. I wanted to condemn the publisher of the Website and give him a piece of my mind. How dare he condone such blasphemy? Does he not see the damaging affects that his Website has on the special education community?What I did not see was that I was hardly like him once. I was also ignorant and apathetic towards students with learning disabilities. Even though, I understand special education students better than I had in the past and empathize with them, I essential be deliberate on how I educate others. How can expect others to listen to me and change their views if I do it in a way that makes them defensive immediately? I have to be sympathetic towards those once in my position, and must communicate myself to produce a change in their view of students with learning disabilities.Furthermore, I must not become disillusioned into thinki ng that I have learned everything about students with learning disabilities and that I have done a complete one-eighty in my view of these students. There was several times where I caught myself using the term retarded, in describing something that was unintelligent. I must understand that my advocacy towards this issue will only grow if I continue to find out more about learning disabilities, to watch what I say, and to be careful when trying to teach others to change their views. Overall, I must admit that I have been blessed from taking this course.I feel that I have grown throughout the course of the class, where I once stereotyped students with learning disabilities to understanding students with disabilities. Many people judge and classify what they do not understand, and through that ignorance is birthed. I am thankful that I have taken this class as I have become aware of my ignorance and have a deeper understanding and acceptance of those with learning disabilities, inside and removed of the classroom. References Turnbull, R. , Turnbull, A. , Shank, M. , Smith, S. J. (2004). Exceptional Lives Special Education in Todays Schools. Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education.
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